Uh...I dunno. This site's new to me so far, but I'm liking it. I'm especially liking the access to FREE games, but also the links to the pricey but probably better made games. I play a lot of games on the Unity Player, which I'm getting a little bored of, but I definitely reccommend Vanish and TVO Thief.

RSS My Blogs  (0 - 10 of 12)

Well, sorry it's so late, I had...other things to deal with. But here's my feedback for Endyr Alpha! I really enjoyed the character customisation. It's always good when you have a MMO and you can completely distinguish yourself from all the other players. Not to mention all the different hairstyles and clothes were just EPIC, and some of them were a little...funny. XD But I really liked it. Even the Oc's were tricked out! It made the game more fun than it would've been! The worst part was definitely being stuck in the village. I'm more of an action, get-out-there-and-let's-die sort of person when gaming, so this kind of bummed me out. But it WAS only an alpha test, after all. I definitely think it has potential however. When playing the small quests prepared for the testers, I found myself unable to find the grain. This may just be me being stupid, but...I felt very very confused. Eh. So, all in all, it was a lot of fun, it's good for a multiplayer, and the guard stole my bombs. ;-; *cries a little* I WILL GET THEM BACK, AND WHEN I DO I WILL BLOW YOU UP, MISTER GUARD.Unfortunately, due to financial issues, I won't be able to play the beta or the finished game. But the alpha was...really good. I reccommend it to all.

(Aka; I decided to change the titles of my game reviews)

Powerless- Alvarop

Today I just decided to play whatever I saw, and the first thing that came to mind was Powerless, a free online game that I noticed on the homepage. The interesting thing about powerless is it's rather...backwards. Instead of EXP, you lose Incompitence (I know I spelt that wrong, leave me alone, I'm tired and sick). :D
As I levelled up- noticeably I didn't get very far, but...whatever. #YOLO
...I'd get so much hate from saying YOLO if people actually read this...
:D As I was saying, when I levelled up I began to notice th laser beam I was shooting was getting bigger...and that it was rainbow coloured. Many an hour can be spent yelling at your computer screen, telling the enemy to 'RUN FROM MY RAINBOW GAY BEAM, MUAHAHAHA!'

My review of Unleashed Fear, a mafia war/strategy game found at unleashedfear.com

Wow! I actually wasn't into the mafia when I started playing Unleashed Fear, but as I signed up and began getting thrown in jail multiple times while trying to perfect Crystal Meth, I began to love this game. It's different from what I normally play; and maybe that's why I like it so much, but I'm really determined to fight on and not die yet! Unleashed Fear introduced me to the world of crime (which I was notably terrible at) and Grand Theft Auto. The GTA I was much better at than the normal crimes or the trades. At the moment I have like, 50 Rolls Royce's, and I'm so proud of myself! :D I gave this 9/10, and that's okay, because I'm having a lot of fun playing it, even if I get thrown in jail so much. Also, I'm recommending this to people! But not people that are younger than 15, because that's a little too much...even for me.

Well done!

The first of many web games. Illyriad is a rpg-style strategy game where you can build your empire and be awesome!

Or that's what I thought at first.
I was...kind of bored of this style of game. I don't know whether it was just me, but I found it kind of...mediocre. I know if people who like the game read this I'm going to have some haters, but I can't help it. To me, these kinds of games are very similar, and not at all interesting. I didn't get past the tutorial, unfortunately. I'm not saying it's a bad game or anything...I just didn't have the patience to play it when I've played so many things exactly like it in the past. Maybe someday I'll go back to it and it'll be the best game I've ever played, but...nope.
4 stars.

I'm thinking of making a horror game with the RPGMaker program, except I have to use the trial which means I'll have to work FAST. So..I need ideas, a plotline, characters, music, etc. Any ideas are welcome. My inspiration lies around the games I've played (Ib, Mad Father, Misao, The Witch's House, Paranoiac) and what horror books I've read. Hopefully my drawing will be awesome enough for me to use- my drawing's been pretty crap lately- but whatever.

My Game List

TheWhispersLie Blog

So...I'm thinking maybe I'll play Risk Of Rain (I heard it had something to do with Risk of Death so I'm eager to play it) but I'm undecided. Are both Amnesias (Machine For Pigs & The Dark Descent) games you have to pay for? I can't pay for stuff online, so it sucks balls. I was wondering if anyone reading my blog had any suggestions? I have a PC at the moment without that much memory, and I can't pay, so I need free games too.
Please help if you can!


Okay, so...my macbook's getting repaired,
and updated,
and all that other shit.

So I'm moving to my old, beat-up PC.
I'll take suggestions of games from anyone as long as they aren't like, a gigabyte of download. Then my PC'll need repairing too. ;-; There are more games for PC, which is a plus. And I might finally play Slender: Anxiety, which I've been wanting to do for a while. So that's the good news, at least. But with Mac games I had less of a choice with what to play, so now I have to think over what I want. Anyways...that's it.


Flare was (once again) made with the Unity player. Can this program be downloaded? I'd love to have a go at trying to make a game. The flare gun was by far my favourite part of this game, and I got killed so many times just simply by throwing flares in the corner and watching them. I encountered my first glitch with a game from Indiedb with Flare- while watching the flares I somehow managed to throw them THROUGH the walls.

It was entertaining, though.

I didn't get very far in this game. Maybe I will later on, but...the monster scared the hell out of me, and I just ended back up at the start. Unfortunately, my macbook is getting repaired in like, three days, so I won't be able to play much more of it. But the monster successfully scared the living )&%# out of me. So, well done on that part. ^^;;

This game was
The first thing I noticed was you could be a Pyro. I know it's a type of fire wizard, but still- A pyro?! Hahaha, it was awesome. The second thing I noticed was this weird...pipey...thing. After realising I didn't know how to get up there besides using the trickster's funny jump thing, I got up there and what do I find?

A magyk dyck.

*Grins* I love how retarded this game was. It just made me laugh so hard. I BOUGHT A MAGYK DYCK! In the description, it said it didn't do anything, but I still had to try. And die a few seconds later. I died a lot in thid game, and it made me sad, but this game...the comedy range was high. If you want to game seriously, don't play it, but if you love sheer ballsy retardedness this game is for you.

Catlateral damage....
Once again, the Unity player. Is the program free or something? Is that why everyone makes games from it?
I'm starting to realise the Unity player isn't just for Slender-lookalikes. Catlateral damage certainly didn't seem anything like Slender, and it's the first time I've been faced with a time limit when playing on Unity. I kept glancing up at the clock, and I got distracted when I was first playing it. Maybe I had the mouse too sensitive, because when I was playing the cat was always looking in the direction that I DIDN'T want it to look. That was just my bad gaming, however. No worries!

I'm so proud. I killed a cardboard box.
Actually, the first thing I tried to destroy was the TV, and I succeeeded.
Dayum, does that cat jump high. I'm impressed.