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RSS Reviews

(Deprecated) Console DOOM Enhanced

Mod review

Very close to perfection. Just a few things to clean. But it's still the best way to enjoy PSX Doom on modern hardware.

The inclusion of the "new" levels is clever, with secret exit added in original levels, it's refreshing. That's why it's named "enhanced".

The inclusion of many things from other mods is great, especially the smooth animations. I really love the sounds added to the monsters. It gives them more distinction with the pain sounds. Each type of zombie have it's own sounds.

Footsteps, water sounds and and bullets on the ground really adds on the immersion of the atmospheric PSX Doom experience.

PSX Doom is the game I grew up with so I'm really happy to see so much dedication to this port. That's why I'll go into some cons because I'd love to see improvements on this mod to be the best it could be.

- The chaingun sounds weak, I think I'll prefer the original sounds.

- The lamps on Club Doom are too bright compared to the colored ones (with dynamic lights on). Lost souls are maybe too much bright too.

- Some enemies sounds are off. The imp alert isn't here. Hellknights alert and death are still PC version. The baron footsteps are fine but could be more intimidating if it were hooves sounds. Heavy steps fits better to the mancubus.

- this one is just on me, a pistol start enthousiast. I'd love to see a mode that forces it on each level. I say that for the end screen (not intermission) with all the stats

Again, this is the best way to enjoy PSX Doom and I love this mod. Thanks for reading.