Comment History
thecircusb0y - - 4 comments @

" Is there a chance you can take the real zombies into CS:S, the real zombie model+animation+A.I behavior+sounds into the CS:S maps, in any way? "

Oh believe us, we would love to do that. And we've attempted in the past, and will probably re-attempt it now.

Good karma+1 vote
thecircusb0y - - 4 comments @

" hmm... so you want o promote this mod... but the server console kicks me before i even enter? That totally turned me off for this mod " - Homer

I apologize for your experience, but we have reserved slots, which are available to admins. Did you try connecting to both servers? I'm sorry, but our servers are getting full a whole lot, I will be making my server alittle bigger since i have more bandwidth then thewuh's.

I'm also getting screen shots up today.

Good karma+1 vote
thecircusb0y - - 4 comments @

I Updated with quick run down of how to get in and a few tips upon playing.

Good karma+1 vote
thecircusb0y - - 4 comments @ on

Thank you very much.
I registered here, because my friend and former co-worker said it would help get recognized more. He's Calimer, one of the members of the mod team that do the last man standing mod for Doom3.

Good karma+1 vote