Amateur game dev, historian, politician, religious leader, and whatever else I feel like being at the time. I play a lot of TERA and M&B: Warband (More specifically, I don't like native, and I play a lot of Perisno and 1257AD and I can't wait for Sclavinia to come out). I'm fluent in English, conversational-ish in German, and I'm currently learning Polish and Ecclesiastical Latin. Otherwise, there isn't much to say.

Comment History
tangencystudios - - 1 comments @ Perisno 0.73 (Final)

Not sure where to post bugs, but I'll just throw it here. Had an issue with freelancer I'd assume. After being a prisoner and being released, I went to the realm of the falcon and enlisted with an army. After about an in-game couple of weeks, the message that tells you that lords have been released from being imprisoned went across the message box and it had my character name. After displaying that it took all of my money.

Otherwise, amazing mod, keep it up. I can't wait for future versions, and 0.8 is sounding awesome!

EDIT: My phone hates the letter -D apparently, and dropped it from half of the words.

Good karma+1 vote