I started this so others an appreciate my work. I just want to make products to entertain others, even if it is just one person. I want people to be able to play a game and have fun.

RSS Reviews

Slender: Anxiety

Game review

The Unknown

Game review may contain spoilers

This was a great game, but with all great things, there are a few bumps. The atmosphere was perfect: crawling around in dark catacombs, looking for treasure, running from a ghost gives it a Tomb Raider feel mixed with FEAR. There were a few issues however, but they don't really effect the gameplay. Some of the wall textures were a little glitchy (easily fixable) and the end was broken; when you died, it clearly stated that, but there was no way to go back to the menu. If that could be fixed, then the game would have replay-ability. Despite a few errors, this is a great game! It's something different that many of the other games out there. I gave it an 8 out of 10 and I recommend people who are looking for a good game, to play this.