I draw pretty pictures.

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Making a lets play channel like Cool Guys


banner small 18 10 2015

Me(Mell) and two other dumb idiots (Seb and Aden) started doing a lets play channel. We've already got a some videos up, so come see how stupid we are at YOUTUBE.

Here is one of our videos that might make you XD.

love, Mell xoxo

thinking about future games


i really want to make a Diablo clone. but not have some stupid mouse click spam machine. A basic combat idea is to have a four way rock, paper, scissors sort of thing going on. with inspiration taken from Dark souls of coughs.

The dude below is a concept of the main male character you will play. My idea is to the male characters physique VERY top Heavy and the females physique VERY bottom heavy.

Also my idea is to have both the male and female characters work the same way ( i.e. fighting, swing a sword and knight stuff ) but move and act different. Like have the female move faster, have less stamina drain and more health re-gen but do less damage and have less health. and have the male do more damage and have more health but has less defense, less stamina and more stamina drain. or something like that.

yo i know this guy don't got no pants on. its a concept of the characters physique and style of art.

i also want it to have randomly generated levels/worlds. when i say that I'm thinking of Diablo 2 specifically, since that's the game i grow up playing as a kid and i still play from time to time even today. Hell, the D2 soundtrack is probably is my most listened to soundtrack because of all the nostalgia is gives me.

i just had to make this blog to get this idea out of my head a bit while i work on Skid Kittens.


Indie DB On Skid Kittens All Day


I just want to get it out there that i just spent the entire DAY working on the indie DB page for Skid Kittens. Plllleeaase go check it out HERE. I made crazy cool banners and crap for it. it actually looks decent now.

I also created aSteam concept.so if, ya'know, you wanted to rate it thumbs up and stuff that would be pretty swell. It would really help me out.

Game maker scared the crap out of me


i learnt something the other day, never update Game maker (at least while your in the middle of a project). For the last three months iv been working on a game. If you haven't heard of it before check it out its called 'skid-kittens'. so when Game maker is all like "ah hello, there is a new update. umm ahh you wanna update me" i thought to myself' "the update will probably, ya know fix some bugs with Game maker" so naturally, when this window appeared out of no were , i started having a small panic attack.

Iv never seen this window pop up before. what dose it mean! index was out of range WTF is that!
I spent hour searching about how to fix this error. in the end Google didn't help at all and I found out that Game maker has changed its 'room_width' function to a READ ONLY function. :P