Positions: A clown, International terrorist, Local high school janitor, Occasionally a twitch viewer, BEAR special operator, Second coming of Leafyishere, Human trafficer, Level 6 Youtube Hero, Professional stunt double,Likes: Firetrucks, Monstertrucks, Gaming, More gaming, Coffee, Cheetos, Chicken, End-game Rayman 3 levels, Gaming, Ten Inch Nails, Doge, McDonalds, WiiU Sports, Xbox360 kinect, People shorter than 5'8, Dislikes: People taller than 5'8, Bosnian government, Slavs, Number 19, Olives, Nerds, Ninjas, Nerdy Ninjas, Matt, Gamers, Hex Maniac, Matt, Devin, Final Fantasy, Not brown dirt, CEO of racism, CEO of gaming. CEO of KFC, KFC, Markiplier, Letter P, Tiny Walter, Anime, Women in anime, Men in anime, Anime, Anime, Dragon Ball, Naruto, Anime, Vietcong,

RSS Reviews

Dynamic shadows from lantern graphics mod

Mod review

Without a doubt a must have.


Merk's Re-Immersion Mod

Mod review

Very good for first time playing and replaying for the main story.

Not quite compatible with other user content.