I'm Kurt. I always wanted to make a game. So I joined this site. I have FPS x10, UDK and Unity 4.2.2 so keep an eye out here. In the meantime read a book, the Heroin Diaries is a good story. :P

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Cometothefall Blog

Episode 1 will be released this evening. Sorry about the delay.
It's not as long as hoped as there was still no luck in getting the lost maps back so this will be like a intro to the full story and Episode 2 will be much longer and packed with much more.

I am currently working on a pirate game also which adds to the shortness of Episode one.
Once again I am completely sorry about all this but hopefully it'll still be enjoyable.

Temptation. Ep 1 Update!

Cometothefall Blog

Due to some issues we are having down here I have had no choice but to delay the series. I'm not pointing fingers put half the map has gone missing due to a problem with transferring the memory stick with the rest of the map and the files got wiped from the other computer. We have not given up on this project we just have to rebuild the other half unless you want a really, really short game (Which no one actually wants)

Once again I am sorry for this delay please stay tuned.


Work In Progress.

Cometothefall Blog

So to speed up the development of Temptation Episode 1 I have got my brother helping me with the map design. It will speed up the development and enable me to take time on the first dungeon and boss. It isn't all bad as then I can simply take what he has done and add the story to it. He's new to this so let us hope he makes an effort. He then wants to make his own game, in which I have no idea what it will even be about but once he has a rough demo of it I'll be uploading it on my page. Thank you.

Temptation Episode 1

Cometothefall Blog

So the demo for Temptation EP. 1 Is completed and waiting to be uploaded to the game page, once the page has been looked at.
Hopefully, this will attract attention to the story and people who play the full version upon it's release will help me write the story on where the player ends up, what happens around them and how it all ends. So I only ask you lot to enjoy and get drawn into a story that can be written by thousands.


Cometothefall Blog

So 18 people have downloaded The Skeleton Maze, and I am shocked, never though anyone would have done so. Haha.
I said to myself if I get more than 12 downloads, I'll make a multiplayer death match. Hopefully it'll support 32 players. So, I'll be starting that tonight. I would like feedback and opinions. I don't know much of scripting, and I only have three engines for my use. Unreal, Unity and FPS x`10. Although I'm not classing FPS x10 as much of an engine. I need more drag and drop game creators, but in the mean time, enjoy what's uploaded. (: Feel free to contact me with ideas and such, like art work, level ideas, and maps you would like me to use. (: