RSS Reviews

Instant Dungeon!

Game review

Not too long ago, I was in a "blow your money on games" mindset while messing around on my PS Vita. Through a bit of rummaging, I came across this game among the new releases. It seemed fun and rather inexpensive, so I tossed it in with the other games I was trying to stockpile on my $16 budget.

Opening up the pretty packaging revealed a brand new dungeon, complete with a knife, a key, and a shiny gold nickle. Delving deeper revealed darkness, dragons, Draculas, jewelry, gemstones, sorcerers, shields, spells, skeletons, SERPENTINE skeletons, and your own personal Bilbo Baggins-esque dungeoneer. Making progression into the dungeon unlocked new game modes, allowing for practice with either dungeon exploration or bosses, dungeon based quests given to you by the king himself, and more. By the way, I suspect my copy may have been previously owned, because some jerk named Abe got the high score in every game mode, and I can't surpass it.

My only complaint is with a bit of false advertising on the game's page. The game maker boasts of the "six unique flavors" this game has to offer. Despite being given fun names such as "Action Recipe" and "Boss Blend," rigorous testing has proved that this is nothing but a hoax. This could be a compatibility issue with the Vita, but no matter where I placed my tongue, be it on the screen, either joystick, or the shoulder buttons, the only flavor I could detect was "Sweat and Plastic." It didn't subtract from my score, however, because the minor annoyance of a still bland-tasting Vita hardly subtracted from my overall enjoyment of the game. Besides, I can't imagine it would be very easy to play using one's tongue.

Regardless, it is simple and repetitive, but a great way to kill a few hours with fun whenever you get a craving for some loot, all wrapped in an elegant 8-bit theme.
For me, this game falls just short of a perfect score. However, ratings can only be delivered as whole numbers, so I had to round up.

An easy 9.62 out of 10.
