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Comment History
Snakebloke - - 10 comments @ Dragonfly Render

WORK IN PROGRESS! (Computer died so have to remodel... >:( F*$KiN6 Piece of S"!T)

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Snakebloke - - 10 comments @ EVE: New Eden

Thanks dude, im gonna get some stuff done over the xmas holidays so i can get it back up and running again. Hopefully i can upload some concept art and maybe a finalised model..but well see :)

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Snakebloke - - 10 comments @ EVE: New Eden

Yeah sure theres plenty of ideas that can be implemented, only thing is i point blank REFUSE to copy anything. If we want something like Assault it has to be EVE: Assault like something to do with VIP peeps and a game mode codenamed "Endurance" ;)

Or instead of CTF like a mode where a player has to steal the enemy's database computer ;) (backpacks with computers would be cool.

One of the main things i want to add into the mod is the clarity of command and important people. i want the commander to stick out like a Sore, Luminescent Green, Neon light surrounded thumb... :)

So any snipers know when they see him.."right i have the commander in my sights. need reinforcments" or "i have a Sergeant (Squad Leader) here left of the *** ****, send an H.A.P.C" (acronyms and dingbats ftw)

But yeha i have lots of ideas to put into the game just nowhere near enough people to do it. To me, with my experience in BF2142, reducing lag is THE most important issue. Titan mode (especially when in the titan) kills my family computer so therefore i am saving £1500 to build a new one that is kick *** just so i can run it without lag... If i were to add in an equivalent mode involving battlecruisers/battleships/cruisers etc then the game would jsut die. Finding a balance is perfect but speed is at the top of my list cos lag = anger = quit game... :P and thats not what i want, i want people to enjoy this game.

anyways gotta get back to work on it :P

Peace ,|,,|

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Snakebloke - - 10 comments @ EVE: New Eden

*signed* i agree that static carriers are going to be better especially considering what other game elements are going to be implemented ;) (sshhh secret). I would LOVE to get 'bigger ships' into the game at some point, maybe towards the end.

at the moment i am working on the models for various asteroids (omber and bistot included < carebear) along with the Firbolg (im finding this one quite hard), Chimera and Thanatos models. Then after all that, and some internal modelling etc, game mechanics and enless hours balancing an coding...we SHOULD...hopefully...probably...have the first map up and running. i stress the word HOPEFULLY.

Still taking me ages as im starting back in education in september and so will have a little more time, but still not much :P.

Anyways wish us luck and pass on our cries for help to any and all people you know who can model. Thanks guys'n'gals :)

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Snakebloke - - 10 comments @ EVE: New Eden

yeah id love to live in a kestrel :) or a moa, thats kewl :)

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Snakebloke - - 10 comments @ EVE: New Eden

OK guys n gals, sorry for no updates recently been very busy with work and stuff. I AM still working on the mod but i do need help if possible. At the moment Modellers are needed urgently to get the mod moving faster. However if you feel you can help at all please visit the site and email me at

On another note i am working on the first and second maps at the moment as much as i can.

The First map will be as described where Caldari and Gallente fighters will clash within asteroids.

The second map will be an Amarr assault on a remote Minmatar POS.

In reply to some of your comments;

LorienvArden: We are going to put all ships into the mod at some point but at first just a handful of each like fighters and hopefully a carrier or 2.

Bagahnoodles: Battleships aren't going to be in for a while as we haven't quite worked out the mechanics of how they will work in an FPS. Also, if you look at recent art work from the EVE Developers with regards to walk in stations, the Kestrel frigate is very small, roughly the size of a house :p. With this in mind the Apocalypse battleship is a few KM long so thatll be interesting and the carriers will be completely static as they are too big to manoevre around the battlefield.

Finally, i have word that the another Mod team has been i contact with DICE and has found a way to increase the map size 4 times for space maps while keeping the same framrate (no land/buildings to contend with) so i will endeavour to find this secret myself which would be MASSIVELY useful for the first map.

anyways, id better get back to work on the other stuff :p....

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Snakebloke - - 10 comments @ EVE: New Eden

agreed, but at the moment i dont intend on putting a Nyx in right away :P ( i should change that description) i would like to put carriers in with basically just the hollow shell (as low polygon as i can without it looking crap) then the basics of a barracks and fighter launch/landing bay.

as far as fps is concerned. i am in contact with CCP and am using their concept art (that they will show me :P) to design any guns that havent already been designed , in the same style. I haven't completely sorted out all the ins and outs as im very busy with work but i am working on it.. its not dead in the water :).

it will all be sorted out and i will hopefully get to meet some of the devs at fanfest 2007 to sort something out.

Any more questions do feel free to ask

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Snakebloke - - 10 comments @ Tarky

ahh fook it, u know what it is :P

Good karma+1 vote
Snakebloke - - 10 comments @ Tarky

sorry website liink didnt work :P>New Eden Mod

Good karma+1 vote
Snakebloke - - 10 comments @ Tarky

...U....Banned...My...MOD! :O

Anyways the website is up mate, dont know hwot o PM so i hope u get this :P unless i work the PM system out...


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