Hello Everyone. The 1506 Virtual Spotlight is a site that highlights the efforts of mod developers from around the world. While numerous gaming channels focus on the mods we like to focus on the people behind the mods. Yeah sure we talk about mods too. We're kind of the like the virtual "Behind the Actor's Studio" if you will.

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1506VirtualSpotlight Blog

Hello Mod Database!

For those who curious to know about where the heck we've been ...

Well we didn't forget you. In fact steps are being taken to improve content soon to be released. Contacts are being made, people are being signed up, and a new focus set. Some of you find the updates entertaining and interesting. However it gets kind of old when something neat comes along and then all of a sudden just goes quiet.

It's like going to a party to have a good time and then the lights are shut off and you're just standing there. Not cool. You have our deepest apologies about that. And yes the lights will come back on and when they do we hope that you'll be impressed with what you'll see.

Right now there a lot of things in the and sawdust is covering the floors and filling the corridors. Hopefully it will all be cleared out soon and we'll be able to provide with you a steady stream of content.


1506VirtualSpotlight Blog

Hello Mod Database!

I know things have been quite here on the 1506 corner of ModDB for quite some time now. I wanted to apologize about that. However there are some things that you may be interested in knowing.

Wrapped up a big interview series with the Tale of Two Wastelands team.

Check it out if you're interested.

What's so great about the Tale of Two Wastelands mod?
Well it's truly a group effort; from lead testers to bug fixers the team works on blending the worlds of Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas together. All an interested one needs is a legal copy of both of the games. The mod allows players to travel between the Capital Wasteland and Mojave Wasteland.

Something else neat happened recently too. Brandon Lee, the head honcho, at Project Brazil has made an awesome report. Due to support from the community he and the team are getting back together to continue working on their mod. Also he is working on a video game called Shadow Star. Check out the Volume 4 of the 1506 Virtual Spotlight for the full report.

Also the fellas at CombatACE have a little competition going on. What's the prize? A chance at winning some free games from Digital Combat Series.

Let's see what to blog about ... what to blog about...

1506VirtualSpotlight Blog

Mods are cool and the people who make them are even cooler. How? Well because a lot of people take their free time and create something for free and share it with thousands of people, which is really cool. Mod developers take something that is, in most cases, a work of art and make it better. Or they allow a player to see things differently or explore things that should, or shouldn't, be explored.

Not to mention the resources some mod developers use to create breathtaking mods. Like motion capture technology, 3d modeling programs, not the free ones like GIMP but the 3DS Max type programs that cost thousands of dollars. It says a lot about people that devote a lot of time, money, sweat, tears, and more to make something that could easily breathe new life into what would otherwise be an old game lost in the annals of gaming.

There are games that, if they allowed modding, would be even more popular. Case and point Whirlwind Over Vietnam. Good concept that needed a lot of tweaking. Many, many reviews said the game was nothing more than an upscale beta. The game has a lot of potential; however, it is what it is. If it could have been modded it would have made the game more enjoyable and popular for certain gaming communities.

Then you have games that are close to something that many players have always wanted. The developers created a universe that is cool in and of itself but with a little tweaking could be like something the player saw in a new action movie. Again case and point. Sins of a Solar Empire ... great game. Now you have Prolific Studios making an Ender's Game mod and that is cool. Why? Because this team is taking elements from a great movie and combining them with the universe of Sins of a Solar Empire.

Then you have mod developers that just seem to break all laws as far as a gaming engine is concerned. For those that remember or still play Fallout New Vegas there was a very popular mod that came out a couple years ago that allowed a player to fly a vertibird using the X Rocket Engine. The same developer even made it possible for people to drive cars in a game that was never designed for vehicle use .. yeah sure they teased players with whole flight simulator pod thing but XRE gave players flyable vertibirds and cars that players can drive.

Speaking of flying and driving we have to give huge props to J3X because this guy was the pioneer with flyable vertibirds and motorcycles players can drive. Not to mention was also the one behind the Enclave Commander mod.

Wow! Just a few moments ago didn't have a thing to blog about and now an entire book has been written. Well thank you for taking the time to read all the way to this point.

We'll do our best to feature interviews from various mod developers on a regular bases. Once thank you for time and happy modding.