First i want to give thanks to indiedb and to you for this space. I´m from Argentina and i´m developing games whit Blender BGE (blender game engine)and learning Unity, i start with draws as child and now i´m modelling 3d assets, textures, digital painting, music compositor, animation 2d&3d;, etc. I´m ready to start my proyects and you are welcome to share your opinion! .

RSS My Blogs

New stuffs to show

SJRodriguez Blog

In this video i show you some new stuffs i added to the game, chek it out!



captura robotcaptura reptilcaptura ST1captura personajescaptura ST1  2captura ST1  3

Asteroid Circus now will be a first person game and the previous stuff i share will stand as a mini game inside the game, also i was working in new characters and a history. I know i have to prevent the big scope in a solo proyect like this, but for now it`s all under possibles conditions. More videos with more information will come, so please subscribe to my Youtube channel.

Have a nice day, bye!


Asteroid circus DEMO Blendergame

SJRodriguez Blog

Today i upload the demo with some fixed issues. This demo it´s a early acces will be a second demo on November that includes kinematics showing the history of the character and a introduction to Asteroid circus, also a menu remake and a new stage to play, but i going to remove the stage of the actual demo, so play it!

Thanks for your time!