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RSS Reviews

Mortal Online

Game review

I've played this game for about two years now, and my opinion would be worth jack to most Desura users who might dismiss it as fanboy-ism. But this game, while not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, and frustrating to the point of an aneurism... It is still a good game with massive potential to be what any true fantasy/rp/pvper wants it to be.

If you loved Ultima, or Star Wars Galaxies, Skyrim/Morrowind/Oblivion, Fallout, if you loved any sandbox and wanted to play something truly freeing. Mortal is for you, it's one of the most free Sandboxes on the market and it is constantly improving (sometimes nerfing) but mostly improving.. I can safely say that I was at launch a couple years back, the game was rife with instabiliy with the server and other bugs... most of these have been pressed away.

But do not be unrealistic, this game is made by Star Vault (though they've made mistakes in the past and undoubtedly will in the future) They also made a kick-*** game and one that still has some issues, which is to be expected of an Indie company that has one or two programmers tops.

It's Free To Play, and the community cares enough to try and improve in some areas.... and others will live out their douchebaggery until the day the game dies, but hey... that's the beauty of a sandbox right? It's all your choice.

To those that hate on the game, you've all had it rough, and you're well within your right to trash the game, but don't go about thinking that those of us who haven't completely lost faith are corrupt or on a pay roll.

To all the new guys who want to give this game a chance, look me up in game, on the forums, or in IRC, I'll gladly offer free combat training courses as well as an insight into the games history and player lore.
