I am an artist by trade trying to figure out this gamedev thing.

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I’m going to step back from updating my devlog for 4 weeks, So I can take an art course and really focus on realising the art direction for the game. I will still be posting to Instagram so if want to keep up to date follow @coreyshills.

Finished the Crimson Unicorn Illustration and I’m liking how the character has turned out.

Heres my next illustration of the Crimson Unicorn I really want to see how this character looks like when done in a more polished style.

I’m focusing on art direction right now so heres an Illustration of Rin showing my process from start to finish.

I'm trying to ramp back into the art creation because I need to start making some polished assets but i feel rusty so here are some rough sketches some from ref.

Added a janky cooldown placeholder when you use your items. I figured out the goal of the player which will be to simply complete all the bounties in your bounty book to obtain the title of bounty king. I’m planning to go hard into content creation(more guns, enemies, environments, skills, items, and mods) so I can start filling the bounty book and create incentive for the player.

I had a problem where you can get stuck on a corner of a platform if you performed a boost jump, Its not 100% gone but now it is much harder to get stuck on a corner I’ll continue trying to make it bomb proof though. Cleaned up some of my code regarding what happens if the player drops off screen and added fade transitions between maps.

Created some unfinished art for the tutorial stage, and fine tuned some things with the item pickup system. Things are getting to the point where there are less huge things today and its all a bunch of small things that are hard to notice but make a huge difference. Like having guns drop from chests and not bounce off screen, sounds simple but and it is but it still gave me a hard time…

Worked on some polishing from certain UI things and player damage effects and planning to add some polish to the Tutorial/intro stage.
Heres an updated game demo - Dropbox.com

Spent today thinking about one line that can describe my game and I came up with this:

“Hunt the Biggest Baddest Outlaws in the Weird, Whimsical, Wild West”

I redid some portions of the Hud aswell.