Origin ID: ShaquilleWangUplay: Shaqu1lleWang Battle.net CN ID: HastaLaVista#51848Capable with utilising English well. 《上古卷轴V:天际》汤镬汉化作者,《上古卷轴V》设定集第二卷特约校对。一个精神WASP,但只局限于对近现代历史文化的喜爱,政治立场上跟那些一般意义上的“美分”大相径庭。军迷,尤喜轻兵器,喜欢各种游戏里的AR-15系列。现已沉迷车枪球,估计只有《冰与火之歌》开放世界RPG才会把我拉回剑与魔法的圈子了。

Comment History
shaquillewang - - 1 comments @ New Vegas Weapons (Fallout 4 Edition)

Awesome mods! Though there are some brilliant standalone mods of these weapons available at Nexus, rest of those un-remastered have been forgotten for a long period. Especially for some of these good-old lever-action rifles in FNV! So kind and benevolence of you to create this mod!

Good karma+1 vote