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RSS Reviews

Breaking Point

Mod review

This is one of the best mod out there for arma 3 if you like survival horor games with zombies involved. But there are some isues in this game like: New Haven crashes, some times dsync and small thing like that. It would be better if they added a building mod like in epoch arma 3 cuz if i remember corectly you could build stuff in arma 2 breaking point like houses. I know you can lock building and make them your own, but i am a survivalist and its kinda not for me to take building in the town or near it and even if i take house near the woods the zombies will show my position so its kinda bad eather way.
I rate this mod 8/10 cuz its not that stable at this point, specially New havenm, but at this point i am looking in to this mod cuz of its good class system. I know there are like 60+% of ppl are hunters and outlaws that shoot ppl on sight but ofthen i see them first and i know what to expect out of those ppl befor i go and contact them if needed.
PS: Hope you will fix New Haven crashes in game, cuz from what i saw in this map its rly good specially cuz zombies are spawn there not from player presents but by defolt and in towns and military bases theres a sh*t load of zombies and you have to fight thro to get gear or suplyes. And i hope they will add building system in this mod like in epoch so ppl could start build bases and not just camp military bases or towns for gear.