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Comment History
savagecabbages - - 3 comments @ Campaign Commander


Good karma0 votes
savagecabbages - - 3 comments @ Mass Effect at War 1.1.01

does this work for steam version aswell?

Good karma-2 votes
savagecabbages - - 3 comments @ Covenant at War

Wow I really do enjoy this mod, Thank you for your work to make something really enjoyable for many people in the community. The mod is fantastic and great to play, I really do love the realism (Although sometimes its tough playing as UNSC) Its fun to play as either faction although I do fined myself losing as the UNSC almost 80% of the time it really creates that last stand kind of feeling. I have actually done some videos on YouTube on this and I cant wait for the full mod to be released. Good luck and thanks!

Good karma+3 votes