Hi! I'm Samuel 64BR and i (atleast try) make mods for Half-Life, one of my favorites games.

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I'm half back (no pun intended)

Samuel_64BR Blog

Hello everyone! Guess who's half back? Me!

Now you ask "What do you mean half back?", well, I'm just here to let you all know that I finally got a new pc, which means I can finally continue to work on this mod, but the thing is, I can't do that now.

I still have a project that I have to finish before this mod becomes my main priority, in short, I'm just here to warn you guys that, yes, I am alive and that this mod isn't fully dead... yet

But welp, that's all I had to say, stay safe out there.

Bye Bye!

Small updates about the mod I'm working on

Samuel_64BR Blog

Let's get started

New hammer model

Finally finished making the hammer model, which was made to replace the crowbar

hl hammer

Fun fact: this was modeled after an actual hammer we have here at home XD

All animations for the hammer was custom made by me

And now, I updated the muzzle flash sprites, because they were not that great, come to think about it

muzzle1 new

muzzle 2 new

I still don't know how to make them bigger or smaller, sadly

I also implemented some "hd" sprites I found on Gamebanana, here's the people who made it:

zerogxplode.spr, steam1.spr, richo1.spr, smoke.spr, bloodspray.spr - Unknown
hotglow.spr - H4wk (edited by redfox765)
blood.spr, sprite edits - redfox765


I forgot to mention this before, but I also was able to find a sound pack made by VaanaCZ in 2017, in which it ports the CS:CZDS sound to Half-Life 1

That's all folks, and now, the mod will come to a pause, in which I do not know when it will stop.
I will see you guys next time

Bye bye (for now) :D

Currently making an actual Half-Life 1 Mod

Samuel_64BR Blog

Well, it's been a while since I started this project, BUT, I forgot post anything here :p

i'm making a Half-Life 1 horror mod called "They Crave for More" Which is clearly inspired by "They Hunger"

This blog post will be mostly showing what I made so far, which is not a lot, mostly weapon models

First, here's the first version of the shotgun, the first model I made:
early shotgun model

Based on the Winchester 1200 Defender, this early model is... ugly...

But, hey, here's a much more improved model:

current shotgun model

The model (which is also based Winchester 1200 Defender) in-game is WAY less shiny, but it is much better than the earlier model, and I added gloves now :D

As for the smg, I changed the MP5 to be the MP40:


A little ugly, but it's an old weapon anyways.

As for the pistol and the revolver, I just used their models from HL:BS hd model pack, but I reanimated both of them

I made some new muzzle flash effects too:

muzzle 1

muzzle 2

muzzle 3

All of them were made from scratch

I'm still a little sad that the muzzle flash 3, the one used for the machine guns that you occansionally find in Half-Life 1, still only uses the first frame :(

But anyways, I still need to make the melee weapon, which will probably be a hammer

The actual production part, mapping, recording voice lines and etc... Will only start once I get a new pc, due to me working on this mod on a rather bad laptop

And I still have some other projects that I still need to work on, so, this will not come that soon.

Anyways, thanks for reading and have a nice day :)