My name is Sabatu and I am an avid map and mod creator for Amnesia The Dark Descend. I'm happy to help if I can but I must warn you. I do not allow anyone to use my own maps for their mods. You can check them but not use them for your own mods.-----Furthermore, I would like to invite you to join our humble community, which is the group with the largest number of active mod authors after the Official Frictional Games Discord Server.

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Sabatu Blog


Hello everyone.I just wanted to let you know that thanks to the Amnesia The Dark Descent Workshop finally being released onto Steam after 3 centuries, I've gotten back into modding and decided that it's time to finally do a proper Definitive Edition of a few mods.

This will include:

  • Baxter's Memoirs - Act 1 - Black Mirror - Definitive Edition
  • Baxter's Memoirs - Act 2 - Sanguis The Twins - Definitive Edition
  • Baxter's Memoirs - Act 3 - Madhouse 2 The Origin of Malady - Definitive Edition
  • Baxter's Memoirs - Act 4 - Madhouse 3 The Last Madness - Definitive Edition
  • Baxter's Memoirs - Act 5 - Sanguis The Lost Twin - Definitive Edition


The original remasters were more of a revenge, where I made some minor changes to the maps, but mostly just re-wrote the journals without really thinking about them.

It must have been clear to you that the remastered versions were not made out of love for modding, but out of hatred for someone.


What ca you look forward to, and what can you expect to see?

  1. Modifying maps to sometimes new shapes.
  2. New events and changes to existing events in the map
  3. New music and modification of almost all sounds
  4. New or strongly changed storyline to fit together.
  5. Connecting the parts of the saga with Kurt Baxter's side character (main character in Madhouse 3)
  6. New voice acting, including the diaries
  7. All in all a true remastered game.

Remastered versions of my mods

Sabatu Blog 6 comments

Hello everyone,

I have some important news that I want to share with you. First, I did decide to create remastered versions of MY mods, such as Madhouse I, II, III + Sanguis the Twin + Blackwater Blasphemy.

Those updated versions will include many new updates, such as story changes, bug fixes, and map improvements. So now I'll specify what exactly I mean:

STORY CHANGES: In Sanguis and Blackwater, I will revisit the whole story and create a new one. With madhouse I, II, III, I will make significant adjustments in the story, especially the diaries.. The story will be almost the same, but I decided to reduce or adjust many notes.

BUG FIXES: In this case, I decided to fix minor and major bugs that the players discovered

MAP IMPROVEMENTS: In this case, I shall change some aspects of my maps, such as daytime, scare events and many more. Some older mods can have better lighting.

Even though I said I will not do that but I think since I am the author, I can do whatever I want with MY mods.