I am a Mandalorian that has high respect and honor for everyone of my friends. I'm also 24yrs of age and i love every thing Japanese and Asian. I plan on moving to Japan asap, i'm looking forward to making new friends, here. If you want to know more about me just inbox me or send me a txt at 1-360-912-1433.

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Trying my hand at making some Mods

Ryoku Blog

Okay i'm new at this whole Blogging thing and even newer at creating Mods. I guess my first Blog is more of a question to all the other Modders here is "what program do i need to create mods and where will i be able to find it at?"

I also know nothing bout coding or programing. I'm more of a designer, I can design new and original Star Ships and fighters for Sci-Fi Mods, which is the type of Mods I plan on making and working on.

Any help will be grateful.