Hi, I'm Ash. I'm 15 years old, and an amateur rocket scientist. And by amateur rocket scientist, I mean I know enough about physics to design a semi-realistic starship that doesnt run on /pure/ nonsense. I guess for the purposes of this site no one really wants to know much else about me, but here's just a few things: I am a brony! Friendship is Magic is the greatest bucking show ever, Twilight Sparkle is best pony. And I'm a lesbian. And a catholic I guess. Yeah it just gets less and less interesting from there.

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Battlestar Galactica Fan Group

Battlestar Galactica Fan Group

158 members Hobbies & Interests

Do you like Battlestar Galactica? Join the rest in the BSG Fan Group! That is the best way to tribute one of the best Sci-Fi series in the world.



2 members Fans & Clans

Septic is a clan founded in the early days of the game Empire at War. Though people started to be less and less active, as the game waned, I, [Septic]Rising_Sun...