I merely wish to help out.

Comment History
Razerocksxd - - 11 comments @ Alpha Testing begins next week!

Did we say next week? Oops. We meant... uhh... not that~

Good karma+1 vote
Razerocksxd - - 11 comments @ Equestrian Terrors

Well, to be straightforward, we have much bigger plans coming to fruition first. This project is currently on the back burner, but it's discussed almost daily. Thanks for sticking with us, and keep an eye out for updates on other things to come!

Good karma+3 votes
Razerocksxd - - 11 comments @ Equestrian Terrors

Psst. Don't go away. We're still living. More to come soon (I know we've said that a lot, but it's true each time). The set backs have been plentiful, but it isn't discouraging us. Well, maybe Rise and Shine aren't affected.

Good karma+1 vote
Razerocksxd - - 11 comments @ Equestrian Terrors

Are you spooked yet?.. You better be.

Good karma+2 votes
Razerocksxd - - 11 comments @ Equestrian Terrors

I clicked the wrong button and accidentally gave this negative karma... Sorry ;_; Keep your hopes high, we're gonna make it cray!

Good karma+3 votes
Razerocksxd - - 11 comments @ Equestrian Terrors

You're such a flatterer <3

Good karma+2 votes
Razerocksxd - - 11 comments @ Equestrian Terrors

Yes sir, stuff is happening. Very slowly, and not too often, but sometimes life happens. Bear with us here. Twitch doesn't get on here that often, so you probably won't see any "official" updates, just my random banter. Thanks again for your patience.

Good karma+1 vote
Razerocksxd - - 11 comments @ Equestrian Terrors

Certain testing is occurring. Thanks for your patience. I'll try to keep you updated.

Good karma+3 votes
Razerocksxd - - 11 comments @ Equestrian Terrors

The way things have been working, there probably won't be an update until it's basically finished. Thanks for your patience, and don't lose hope. It's coming.

Good karma+3 votes
Razerocksxd - - 11 comments @ Equestrian Terrors

It's true, things are still being worked on. Slowly but surely, it will come to light. I will say that a few other things need to be finished before it can be "full steam ahead" designated work time. Thank you for your patience, everyone. Hold on tight.

Good karma+1 vote
Razerocksxd - - 11 comments @ Equestrian Terrors

A lot of things, indeed.

Good karma+2 votes