Learning Reverse Engineering.

RSS Reviews

Serious Sam 2: Renovation

Mod review

Amazing! This is what you need if you really want to enjoy the "Fixed" and better version of Vanilla Serious Sam II


Half-Life 2 : MMod

Mod review

After being in developement for 9 Years, this HardWork really pays off.Some people still doesn't get how hard it is to make mods that go beyond just modding, this mod modifies game code to certain limits which requires a high level of coding knowledge and GunShip_MARK_II really pulled off the limits!

I just found out about this mod like 3 months ago and now i have it, Think what would people who saw this like 5 or 8 years ago have been waiting for? Including the authors.

Well this is a 10/10 for me.

If you don't think this is a fair rating then you don't know what modding to this level costs and they're just doing it for free. So please show some compassion.