Pablo 32y.o and still thinking who I wanna be when I grow up 3d Generalist, UE4/5 Blueprint dev Creating my first 2d Side Scroller Game

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Main - I am alive, in Oslo, renting room (splitting rental 50/50 with 1.96cm Godzillaa)
Got older +1 year to my social profile does not helps me find a girlfriend, well lets start with just a women to go out on a date )))) but anyways, saving money for a new laptop.

My previous hardware was gone ))
It was a good gift to my closest friend, but I made coppies of all project files to external HDD so hopefuly I ll be able to open them on a new device.

So yeah not sure that developing something on a laptop is a good idea, but I am sure that it will be for mobile devices and way more simple. Shark will be on a shelf for at least 6 months I guess, most important right now is to buy a powerfull enough laptop to work in Blender + UE.

Extra not important

Somewhere on youtube - guy said that 1 project has to be simple enough to finish it.
And I think its truelly important.
If you will not publish your work, it can drive you crazy or at least you will catch impersonators effect.

Anyways, almost 0 job vacancies in Oslo for 3d modeling, or video game development related positions.
Checking ofcourse time to time but unsuccessfully.
Most scary is to get stupid and get your brain rusty.
Imagine I am changing tyres for cars for 2 months, each day doing exact same shity job

average Iq of colleagues well...lets call it - It is what it is, get used to it Paul.

Health - Way much better, loss weight around 10kg, good schedulle of sleep.
Feeling myself waaaay much better and more powerfull, so I hope keep myself in that body condition.

Sometimes people are feeling alone and missing their friends or family
I miss my late night development nights, when you are creating new character or connecting UE blueprints to make some elevator work...heh.

Anyways, we will proceed. As King Theoden said- Gamling this is not the end! We will return!

Sending warm sun rays to your houses.

It is been a while from my last post here.
What was done in my first 2d side scroller game development? - Correct! Nothing! Absolutely zero!
Why? Well I think it is just simply impossible to proceed working on game meanwhile you have to find a job in another country and rent potentialy a place to live.
So I did and in march hopefully I m moving out back to Oslo to wash cars, clean toilets, deliver groceries doesnt matter, will find something, earn some cash to rebuilt my computer there, and this one...hmmm I think I will make a great gift to my bro, at least 1 man will be happy from this movements.

Not that bad all is going, I am happy that winter is almost gone, we succesfully survived so far, sun shines more often, mood is getting better and better and little by little, step by step feeling myself better and energy bar is getting loaded.

Did I model something at least? - Yes, plenty, some simple car stuff for Max (friend) hard surface details/parts automotive. Some art pieces but nothing to show ))

Still no work for me in world 3d artist jobmarket.
I ve sent some good 200 cv some last 3 months...unsuccesfull...everywhere they are requiring past experience...and where the hell I get it if for JUNIOR-TRAINEE position you require experience? How stupid is that...

Well thing that I ve learned 3d modeling (Blender) not to work as 3d artist/Generalist, but to Develop my own games keeps me stay in optimistic tune. Cause lots of 3d artists do some cool stuff, but for game Engines its useless.

Anyways, anyone who will read this - Thank you for being here, for reading this- lets call it, devblog,
this is not the end, we will create shark (MEGALOADON), and even more games, but later, now I have to survive and farm some gold.

Hugs, Paul Mk.

Follow the script!

Paulmk91 Blog

Moving on!

All task are almost done and even more I fixed all buttons and save/load system
Blueprint actors that will open levels are ready

DNA pick ups - added Niagara particle systems + rotation of static mesh so now pickups are looking good
(much better) and when you pick up them they are saved to savegame blueprint

Floppy disks - same Niagara for VFx better looking and both of them are making notification to screen with updated quantity

All main menu buttons and pause menu are working tripple tested running game on my device not just simulation (this is important)

Next will improve texture maps on hub level
Construct till end level1
And start creating first npc enemies

Stay tuned

Support game on indiegogo is possible here
We got 1 baker for 5 bucks!! WOHOOOO!

We are Live! ))

Paulmk91 Blog

Alright m8s, folks, lads, ladies and gentlemen!
Some really great news for today is that I fixed voice re-recording it for preview video
and while I was doing it, Indiegogo finaly approved all my docs and I launched it.

Lets give it a shot!

Start of this week is more than great, after few hours of Niagara Particle system tutorials
I improved some animations, more of that by the task list I m on the loot, DNA pickups
all other is ready, set up and go.
After DNA pickups done, switching to Upgrade system

Stay tuned soon will be cool video previews of NEW VFX on collectibles items ))

Still waiting for bank account approval on indiegogo campaign
Hopefully it will be on the next week and I will anounce start here
Hope dies last))

What is ready

Hmm lots of thing were done actualy on previous week such as 1 st secret location and teleport back on track from it, will not show it, you will have to find it by yourselves =))
Elevator + Sound
Proximities (trap1)
Knifes (trap2)
JumpPad (works but doesn looks cool)

What I am planning to do

Finish 1st level
Make Jump Pad looking cool
Prepare Server box as staticmesh actor and interaction with it
Level opening actor (easy peazy lemon squezzy)
DNA loot (collecting it you will mutate)
NPC or Ai enemies (rats which will explode causing damage)

After that will start working on main computer interaction with skills upgrade tree (The most dificult part)

Then it will be only Level construction, bosses and story telling widgets

If I rush it is possible to make it by the end of February

Stay tuned
Heres some fresh video of todays tests

Well I think I did it
I mean all preparations
Not sure it is alive in 2024 I mean you have to have a team, followers, subscribers to make it happen
I guess
but anyways lets try
It would be a shame to not give it a shot

Ladies and Gentlemen!
The one and only
Best preview and introduction
Legendary campaign is going to be live here

Please check and leave some your thoughts what to improve
I think video is deepshit
and whole campaign filled with same

This is so dead portal that they are not approving my home adress, I ve sent them 3 different documents
2 of them is my personal bank statement made today which clearly with Bold font shows my adress
still unacepted
Also I wrote them about this and nobody replies ...

Well, it was a good shot


Got reply on my mesages, they approved adress, but not bank, still waiting for bank account number aprovement and will go go go

It was one nice celebration with my well, I think best friend ) and on NY eve I was ready to rush first level
and work hard all January, to make it ASAP, cause (as it was mentioned earlier) I am running out of resources,
now after skipping 1/01/24 cause of horible headaches (hangover)
I just got incredible news from my sis.
She and her little son are returning home (to parents house) (my current location)
It means I have to move out
Well ofcourse there s option to lock my door and switch off my phone, and tell everyone to f off
but cmon, this is my sis, and I have to support her, even if it impossibly ruins my plans.

Moving out means selling computer, buying tickets back to Norway, get job as delivery driver, survive.

On this very moment-
After full night of work on Level 1 (again trying to create elevator pad) and again it doesnt want to work properly from first attempt,
everything looks so deep shitty that 85% propability that I am going to leave country in march with unfinished project (again)

Previous unfinished project was my flat repair/construction work

So yeah, last chance to save game development and publish it
is to go crowdfound, I will try on indiegogo

But chance are ...well theres always a chance
and I have to try,
and I dont need a lot of money
basically we need
100usd - Steam
2-300usd- new CPU
500eur flat rent per month and I still need some 4-6 months for good result = 2000-3000eur
food - survivable will loot ))))
and web connect I hope include it it 5 hundred of rental
so 2-3.5k and we ll be still in business

Have to take some nap, tomorow will record some presentation for campaign
Thanks to all visitors

How unlucky I am ?

Visuals Test1

Paulmk91 Blog

As I prommised before heres some short preview
Still lots of meshes and assets to be done
Lots of work
Checkpoint and Proximity will be in next preview of Level 1
Changed Background of HUB level, lots of hours spent on UV mapping of pipes
Looking good I guess
Fighting and Weapons will be added and will be available during leveling up skills
Uploading memories and looting discs, and thinking about mutation
Will have to develop propper upgrade system

This just aint normal, it aint right, this can not be true, each literally each animated object is exported average 20 times to be imported properly, and yeah yeah I ve seen this tool which instantly drops your object to UE, but it does not help, cause of flipped normals, or weightpaint, last one just fucked my brain so hard cause I always do Tripple check of weight on each bone and always consider myself at least upperintermediate in that field, and Unreal said me 20 times fuck you noob, and calculated 0 weight field as 0 but hmm 0.0001...heh, and trick with ARMATURE - Rename it and everything imports fine ...this is like, dancing to call rain singing ancient song spell to make simple procedure, this all reminds me when I lost a key from my Mazda, I had spare one, with broken buttons, so I order replica from Taiwan on E-bay, replaced insights to new body, and then you have to write it in car ECU, the procedure is aproximately, start engine, open door, switch on turn light to right 3 times, close door, pray, sing Bee Gees last 4 strokes, masturbate random milf pussy, smth like that... this is crazy guys.

Anyways, moving on step by step, hub level soon will be ready.

Last week borowed few hundreds from my friend to buy rtx3070, now I m minus 500 eur in debts, with no this is it, I can hold up for 2-3 months more max. So I am short in time, but I do believe it can be done. Stay tuned, stand up and fight for your family, friends, dream, or alone for yourself any fight your is. DO NOT GIVE UP and as my box trainer (rest in peace sunsay) used to say- Never drop your hands real hurt

Now after discovering new way of setting up animation using state machine in Unreal Engine
I can sum up difference

1- Animation export from Blender import to UE is waaaay much easier and user friendly and faster
and it is great! Love it! You can import everything you want fast and most of times if your scaling units will be right everything will be fine, if not (SCALE) Import will argue on Bone scale and you will waste few days on fixing it. But still better then exporting png frames and importing them for each object and animate them in UE

2- Level design
Fuck sake, UV MAPPING, import of PNG images as elements and setting up collision to them is waay much easier than doing it in 3d, still did not studied it till end but on first look, this is a real headache.
So now I stuck with preparing all meshes in blender correctly to exp/import them it will take so much time

3- Dynamic light - This is the main and most important thing why you should never ever in your life even start doing game in Papersprite preset in UE cause once you start you will not be able to switch from it to another preset or even export/import your blueprints to new preset cause they were 2d and now most of your blueprints will be 3d

Sum up

Animated and full ready first trap as proximity - Looks 1 million times better than it was in paperspite
Full ready Checkpoints with Save/Load system - message me if you need propper one
correctly working with no destroy actor (in mostly all youtube tutorials) you will find that people are with all
seriousness on their faces teaching others how to make checkpoint by destroying your character and spawning it at some point with no save experience, stats, collectibles and stuff

So yeah trap1 and checkpoints and character basic movement with jumps, turning around z axis, leg kick, leg kick in air, dying, runin all set up

Main menu + Pause menu (all buttons except save/load ) ready
HUD - Health and Stamina - Ready

Now level design
I will die doing UVs but it is absolutely worth it
Will do first 2 levels and then first NPC ai enemies will take place in our slow slow development
Stay tuned soon will record some first hub level on youtube

And yeah Adobe Substance painter - Absolute useless dogshit cause to use it you have to make UV MAP in blender then export- import (which never ever will work precisely correct) then apply textures bake them out
then export - import to UE, why the heck I do that if I can do it right in Blender exactly how I want it
So yeah Adobe Substance painter goes to litter