Medieval lit. Ph.D.-in-training at Auburn University in Alabama, US. I love me some video games (ask me about Atlus), when I'm not hating me some other video games (ask me about Bioshock).

RSS Reviews

The Void

Game review

This game is not flawless, but it rolls over its flaws with sheer artistry and execution. It's extremely hard, and extremely opaque, but its ambition and creativity far outweigh those factors (to me, at least - taste is a funny thing and your mileage may vary). Give this one a try, because even if it doesn't end up being your cup of tea, I wager you'll find it worth thinking about. Plus, Ice Pick Lodge have taken a real risk for real art, and that deserves some support.

Bottom line: It's awesome, at least try it. You'll at least respect it, and there's every chance you'll be as floored as I was!