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RSS Reviews

A Dark Secret

Game review may contain spoilers

Eh, I don't like being negative; but this game was honestly incredibly lack luster. It had a very good concept, but it was executed poorly. The writing was sub par with many, many spelling and grammar errors present; something that should be looked at with considerably more care given this is a visual novel.

The background music often did not fit the mood of the current situation, and the term "insane" was overused a great many times.

And, then, add in a lack of real closure; even for a cliff hanger; was pretty disappointing.

Now, on to my other major complaint, it seems like there was very little research in to magic and witchcraft itself before the story was written. So, as a result, it could be potentially offensive to those of Wicca or other Pagan faiths that use Witchcraft. And, the author also seemed to show no real knowledge of the severe toll giving birth would have on the body and how so much trauma would most likely miscarry.

Overall, this Visual Novel could be so much more and has the potential to be a much better than it is. All it needs, is some revision and research.

This visual novel could, actually