We are a small group of developers who have dedicated themselves to bring the flair of vintage arcade games back to mobile gaming. Our first game Ringblazer was released for Android in Google Play Store at end of April.

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Ringblazer - Quo vadis?

SilverWillow666 Blog

Dear fellow indie gamers,

it has been about 6 weeks now that after about 6 months of development, our first tiny side project "Ringblazer" has come to life and was released in the Google Play Store. When we started work in winter 2013, our actual plan was to create a small, quick game that does not need a lot of effort for development or maintenance. With a team size of 2 people, we were just trying not to reach too high for our first project. Actually, the very first plan was to create something "short, difficult and slightly frustrating, with simple graphics, because we are not that good in creating content".

What has evolved from this idea is unbelievable to me. Sure, Ringblazer still looks simple on screenshots, it's still more or less a short game, and people who have tried it told us that it indeed is difficult and sometimes more than just "slightly" frustrating. But since release, the development of new features for our game has taken more and more time, now filling most of the evenings and weekends in addition to our normal full-time jobs.

And I dare to say, the work is worth it! With possibly upcoming weekend, we will provide you with 2 completely new galaxies. This will not only include new background artworks and new soundtracks for each of the galaxies, but also new types of tiles, which make gameplay even more complex. Moreover, we will introduce new game mechanics, like unlocking new galaxies by completing the previous ones (and yes, it IS possible to finish all 10 levels of a galaxy ;) ). And of course, the new content will also bring a bunch of new achievements for you to discover.

Naturally, the time it takes to finish one idea brings a couple of new ones. So, what will be released in the next update is still not the end of it. We have set ourselves the humble goal to keep improving Ringblazer for maybe the next few months until we turn towards new projects. But who knows? As our little pet game grew that much during the first weeks, it may also exceed what we assume to be the end of it.

Is there actually an end to a project someone really started to like? I start to doubt so.

If you like to take a look at Ringblazer yourself, just get it for free in the Play Store : Play.google.com

Ringblazer - Repulsion

Above: Repulsion, the first of two new galaxies that are to be included in the next Ringblazer content update