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Napoleon's Legacy EEM Edition

Newpoleon Blog

Napoleon's Legacy. It's a mod that has been around for an extremely long time, and was probably one of if not the first alt history mod for Victoria 2 to gain traction. Over the years a lot of updates have been made, and work has come and gone on it. After v0.3.2 released, work was done by nappy on a German Rework in his dev branch, but development came to an end before it could be released.

Since then a few other projects have started in an attempt to remake the mod, usually specifically with multiplayer in mind. However no attempt has been made to continue development on the single player focused version. This project will hopefully rectify that. Starting at ground level of integrating EEM and its fixes for HPM into the mod, I'll continue development from there and add new content and flavor for the countries in the scenario.

I'll release hotfixes on here as necessary once enough fixes have built up but if you want the most up to date version you should probably check out the Github. If you have a question feel free to reach out to me here or on there.