Small developer that previously worked on Quite Alone and now working on Far From Sight. Powered by Politécnico de Leiria

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Meet the Studio

NailingItStudio Blog

Who are we?

Small developer working now on Far From Sight and previously developed Quite Alone.

Far From Sight

A person that suffers from scopophobia escaped from society eyes and choose to be a forest ranger and live in a cabin in the woods all by himself. After a normal day of work, the oppressing feeling of being watched by someone or something wakes him up in the middle of the night.


Quite Alone

A game about a youtuber that finds its way inside an abandoned hotel to find out his friend didn't show up and there is no easy way out. Explore the mysterious hotel, solve puzzles and don't let fear stop you from uncovering the truth.

Asset 51

Our Team

  • Diogo Gonçalves - Game Designer/Project Manager - LinkedIn | Twitter
  • Diogo Neves - Game Artist - Twitter
  • Luís Claudino - Game Programmer - Twitter

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