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MWinteringham Blog


Not that very many people will be looking at my profile (I've been absent from this site for about 3-4 years) if you have somehow ended up on my page you may have noticed it is missing a large amount of content. This is because in past few years my interests have moved from Music composition to Game development and after a few years of training myself to code I have begun work on a game of my own.

Currently this game which has no working title at the moment is in very early stages and will be based on the Unity engine. All I can say is that it will be a Multiplayer based survival game with a twist. I hope that once I have the basics of the game down in my own time I will hopefully recruit other like minded developers, designers and composers to join in to hopefully create a game that is commercially viable.

If you are involved in Game development in any aspect and would be interested in chatting about the game then feel free to PM or e-mail me. In the meantime I will be hanging out on the forums for a bit to gain more information on different aspects of Game development.
