I love games, especially those that really grab you and draw you in with the story. I want to make games that people love to play and will say one day: 'remember that one time in [game name]? yeah that was crazy!'

RSS Reviews


Mod review

I held off on reviewing until I got a few good hours with the game. This game is very fun, and quite challenging. I've only managed to get my hands on a weapon a couple of times, but whenever you do succeed in finding gear it's very satisfying. It will also scare the **** outta you when a zombie sneaks up on you and all of a sudden 20 are chasing you through the woods. I absolutely love how the multiplayer works, you can pretty much do whatever you want in regards to other players. Help them, hurt them, team up, or go it lone wolf style. I've had some pretty funny moments seeing other people run by me with zombies chasing them, unable to help them because I hadn't secured my own weapon yet. Great idea for a game, and the online forums have great tips for gameplay and the like. Try it out!


Bank Job

Game review

Simple to pick up, and fun to play. Graphics look good and the soundtrack and audio is very pleasant to hear while playing.