Hey all, just a new dude workin' for Breaking Point Mod as the Website Designer and Communications Manager. My work is here www.breakingpointmod.com . Swing by sometime and let me know what you think in the forums. Doors always open...

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Website Management 102

MrQ Blog

Website Management 102

4. Always try to keep everything simple. Especially on mod websites. These people EXPECT functionality with little effort, communication without error, and forums that are readable and accessible.

5. Flashy is ok, but its better when you can blend colors and themes together. Stark contrast is good when used in moderation. Don't try to be so original you turn people away. And better yet...don't do changes all at once. Take your time. Make it good. People don't want a bunch of functionality, themes and colors thrown at them at once. You need to feed it to 'em, ween them on it.

6. Keep your intrusions into the site minimal. You moderate and work behind the scenes. Nobody likes a pushy web moderator. Don't lord it over the modders.

Well there is more for the blog.

I gotta take my brother to Ventures and go to bed early for my job tomorrow, so until next time...


Website Managment

MrQ Blog

Its a unique thing when you get your website to come together just like peas in a pod. Its even rarer to have people use that website you blew nearly two weeks on.

Hey all, Website Management 101

1. Entertain your visitors

Thats right entertain 'em. Give them pretty colors, interactive menus, and a flashy header.

2. Make it so easy a baby can do it

Well, not a baby really, but you got to think of the average computer Joe, he doesn't want to spend more than a minute looking for your forum link. Give it to him right away; make it accessible.

3. Take feedback seriously

Use a shoutbox, a poll, the forums, talk to them on steam friends whatever. They say "Hey man, the site is tough to log into." Then you look into it thoroughly. The last thing you want is to lose visitors because of not taking your feedback seriously. If one person says it then look into it. If 2 or more people say it change it.

Thats all for now, got supper to eat, MASH's to watch and school to do (intentionally in that order :)