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RSS Reviews

Back to the Future: The Game

Game review

This may be a treat for Back to the Future fans, but as adventure games go, this one isn't anything unusual. The production values, especially the voice acting and music are rock solid, but I was disappointed to see how little they did with the time travel concept (at least in the earlier episodes) and many areas are recycled through the various episodes. It doesn't help that there are a few puzzles with illogical or improbable solutions, but those are mainly the minority. What I will say for it, though, is that it does effectively recreate the feel of the movies. It's also above average for an adventure game and fairly fun. I just wish they had put more of the love they obviously have for the Back to the Future trilogy into creating something truly worthy of that pedigree, and this doesn't quite have the imagination to get there.



Game review

This has a few interesting mechanics and solid level design, but VVVVV has a very similar concept and is just flat out more memorable. The visuals and music here are a bit bland but serviceable.



Game review

Knytt Underground

Game review

A must play for any fans of Metroid or the later Castlevania titles. There is so much to explore and see in Knytt Underground, and there's even a pretty solid story, too, despite the mute protagonist. Plenty of memorable characters, a beautiful soundtrack, and lush backgrounds all sweeten the deal.


Irem Arcade Hits

Game review

This may be a glorified emulator, but there's no denying that this collects some great titles and thankfully many of them are not s well known. Gun Force 2, Ninja Spirit, and Hammerin' Harry were my favorites of the bunch, and certainly qualify as buried gems. The ne knock against this I have is that the default controls map movement to the analog stick, which is always lousy for side-scrollers, but JoyToKey and other programs will take care of that.


Apple Jack 1&2

Game review

Great little elimination platformer in the vein of Super Mario Bros with charming sprites that look hand drawn and a pleasant soundtrack. Lots of content for the asking price, too.


99 Levels To Hell

Game review

Love, By Fred Wood

Game review

A brief but challenging burst of platforming with great minimalistic visuals and a toe-tapping soundtrack.


I Get This Call Every Day

Game review

The gameplay in I Get This Call Every Day is incredibly simple, but if you've ever had to interact with the public as a professional, you'll certainly relate to its protagonist. The game is brutally honest and true to the experience, and like Papers Please would later do, it effectively conveys the futility of such menial jobs. The graphics are extremely basic and ugly, but for all being done by one person, the voiceovers are surprisingly good, and what controls there are effective and straightforward. With several endings and a rather short play time, this is worth playing through several times. I would have liked to have played a longer game that went further into the character's life and had a more developed plot, but for a quickie this was excellently written and performed.


Richard & Alice

Game review