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Unintended features - timeline jumping

MinotaurCybernetics Blog

As a programmer, I can say that programs sometimes have a mind of their own. They will introduce features that you have not heard of nor plan on that get introduced inside the code. After working with the FPS creator framework, I have indeed found an undocumented feature.

I call this undocumented feature: timeline jumping

Wouldn't it be great if during the course of the story evolution that you had items or weapons during earlier parts of the story, but couldn't play due to the linear time progression? I was trying out the save and load feature of this framework and I noticed that the player kept the abilities and weapons even when visiting an earlier part of the story. How useful it would be to have fireball spell against a beastie during the first level? So the way this undocumented feature is used, you go through the story gathering various weapons and spells. Once you are satisfied with your character at a current chapter, you then load the story from a previously saved game on a previous level (Just remember to have a save point on that level before you exit that level).

Voila! Instant transfer of your weapons and abilities to a previously restored save point.

With that in mind, I have made sure there are elements in the game to explore using this feature, knowing full well that people wouldn't be able to visit this during a normal story progression.