I'm one of the minions over at Minionworks Games, and among other things, I'm in charge of marketing stuffs. Woohoo! So I'm here on behalf of Minionworks Games, to spread the awesome that is Minionworks.

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Minion3 Blog

Gotta tell ya, there's a lot going on this month: Mass Effect 3 is released, as well as trailer/promos for Assassin's Creed 3 and Halo 4. The AAA titles are kicking ass - so it's kinda scary to be trying to market an indie game right now.

But still, we're working on it.
A couple days ago we released a closed alpha to our judgmental, bug-findy friends who have given us their judgements and bug finds, so we're working to make those more awesome and less buggy. So that's pretty much where I'm at right now - bug fixes and polishing our alpha.

Hello World!

Minion3 Blog

So, it looks like this IndieDB thing is pretty darn awesome, so I'll be doing my best to do it justice.

That being said, we do have our own blog over at Minionworks.com, so I'll keep linking over there. The most recent post there was some juicy details on our upcoming games, Karst. More to come!