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Let's try something different.

MechaTamago Blog

Well hello everyone on! I want to try something different and start writing my own blogs. Now this might not be the best site for it but gotta start somewhere right? Well I guess I can start with my hobbies. If you haven't already notice, I am an anime fan and gaming fan. I mostly play on the Xbox and not that big on PC gaming. I am a huge Star Wars fan and of course I am waiting for the Republic at War mod to come out. It looks great, if I didn't know any better, I would have thought it was made by Lucasarts. I did like Empire at War, the only problem was I didn't get to fire at ships with the Death Star! I felt that the Empire just dominated in space and Rebels owns on land. The expansion Forces of Corruption was pretty cool too but does anyone else thing the the Zann Consortium was a little bit overpowered? I mean they can disable planet abilities, disable your shield and make your ship vulnerable and can sneak pass the planets you own no problem. But anyways I am ranting now~ Anyways, it is my pleasure to meet everyone here.