I'm the game designer and sound designer for 2Play Studios! We are currently working with our game Bloody Trapland, which is being released here on Desura on September 25th! Check it out!

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Bloody Traplands release date is getting closer!

MarioG Blog

Wow, so much work has been done, but there are still a lot more to do.
A great deal of things have been fixed, such as out network code, which is now working satisfyingly well, with a LOT less lag and stuttering. We've also fixed some annoying bugs with some of the traps, and we're now going to dig deeper into the race and deathmatch modes.

As for me, I've put the audio department on hold for now in order to focus on more "important" business. My work is now to check if the levels work as intended, if there's anything we can do to make the game look better (we revamped the menu interface, looks a lot better now!), as well as trying to spread the word about BTL as much as possible. Hard work work indeed. Only 10 more days until release..! Gah.

Mario Gryth

First post!

MarioG Blog

2Play Studios and Bloody Trapland has now been added on IndieDB! Awesome!
I will use this page to publish new content for Bloody Trapland as soon as possible, so be sure to check it out frequently, or add me on twitter @MarioGryth!

In the meantime, be sure to check out our trailer, and if you like what you see, like us on Facebook!

// Cheers //
Mario Gryth
Game Designer / Sound Designer
2Play Studios