Hi there, I'm Marc(1k1). I've started many a game project in my time but never actually finished one, much the same can be said about my time spent animating however I have done better in other creative fields such as art and video editing, the latter you can see on my Youtube Channel. I also have an interest in playing guitar and maybe at some point in creating some music, but we'll have to see about that.

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2015 Plans

Marc1k1 Blog

So a year has passed and nothing on the game front, sadly.

I've spent bits and bobs of time attempting to learn Java, although I have to admit the amount of effort and time required for me to learn how to effectively use it is just too vast (at least with the speed at which I want things done) I even had a look at some other allegedly simpler coding languages but for the most part it's the same story.

So coding isn't really my thing and I've decided to invest in something that I can actually get results from without spending a couple years getting to grips with it because as it happens I've used this software before (and it is already pretty simplistic in most functions)...

I'm going back to RPG Maker, that is RPG Maker XP to be precise.

Apart from the reason stated above RPG Maker XP is just frankly a great piece of software and can be used to easily create the kind of game I want to make so I suppose it just makes the most sense as I'm really not that great with learning code without it taking a long, long time.

So yes, I've got plenty of idea's that I've been mulling over for years now (as evident in last years post) and I'm working now on condensing it all down and properly crafting some lore and characters.

So that's that really, I'ma work on it and hopefully get to a point where it's worth putting up on the site but I suppose I shouldn't promise anything just yet.

Plans for 2014 and onwards

Marc1k1 Blog

So, eleven months ago I said I'd like to start a new project - something I could preferably finish that is but that I was working on creating video's instead.

As for videos I've been planning to reboot my 'Mechanic's & More' Guild Wars 2 beta tutorials but I'm not sure how relevant they are anymore, it being a year after release and all - the most I'd be doing is updates on some of the mechanics that have changed while also going over everything again due to all the changes in some parts of the interface.

My point being that I enjoy video editing but I still have a yearning to create (and finish) a game as well as a few idea's for said game that have been brewing around in my head for the last eleven months.

There are a few things that will hold me back here, I want to create the game in Java preferably, as I like the way Java's coding works granted if an easier language comes up I'd probably give that a go.

So where I stand now is that yet again I've got a massively over-ambitious game that I want to create but haven't got the skill to actually make it, this of course can be somewhat remedied; I plan to create a far smaller game, less ambitious, less fancy mechanics and no fancy visuals. This'll hopefully give me the vital experience needed when creating a finished game with Java (as well as learning a few tricks to use in later games) and give me time to iron out my ideas for this larger game.

So! To clarify the situation, I will be creating a small Java game which will mostly just be jokey and will have a far less serious plot and I will and already have started updating the ThunderChild Developments group, as it will be the team I use for any games I develop.

Lastly, I'd just like to note again that the War of the Worlds game that birthed the TCD group is not being worked on any longer and hasn't been for a while - it is something I would love to actually finish but as of this time it would be far to difficult to do, apologies and thanks to those who followed it.

That's it for now, I hope to have some updates in the coming months of my first Java game so I suppose I'll make another update then.

Updates and plans...

Marc1k1 Blog

Why hello there, if you are inquiring about War of the Worlds (WotW) I'm sorry to say that the project isn't being worked on and hasn't been for almost two years and I'm not looking to get it started again sadly.

So basically what I'm working on now-a-days is videos, I'd love to start a new project if I can get a good idea of what I want to make but as of yet I'm blank on ideas.

That's about it.

WoTW Progress and KvasirKnights!

Marc1k1 Blog

Hey to, Well anybody interested ^_^'

This is just a small blog entry to say that everything is... well a-o-k with WotW, sure we still need a Mapper and Programmer but as far as what we can do currently we are doing great :D!

"So? WotW is going fine - not to exciting!" you all say, Well that's true but I do have some other news too o.o!

Currently my brother is in a 'Clan/Guild' for Xbox live (Technically - no name changing necessary just put it into the bio) and the guild part is from World Of Warcraft :D which me and all the others leaders of the guild/clan play and we have a moderately good guild goin' there on Terokkar server, its mostly a leveling guild but we do dungeon's and raids occasionally.

Anywho just wanted to mention that if anybody wanted to join, I will also be uploading some 'media' of my characters and such, so yep thats about it for now OH~ wait, wait, wait! I will also be doing some 'Let's Play' videos for the KvasirKnights website which I will also upload here ^_^' not to say they will be good or anything but well.. yeah - if not laugh at my face or hair or something!

Our website:

WotW Moved to Game section...

Marc1k1 Blog

Due to the fact that the game no longer will be using the Half Life 2 Engine (Or valve's 'Source') the game will be using the UDK engine instead (Due to a few facts for one its free so all people who wish to participate can for FREE)Anyway, just wanted to say check out the Games page for updates on WotW!

War Of The Worlds (HL2 Mod)

Marc1k1 Blog

Ok well, I've started a recruitment topic and if you've just come from there then go here:

That's our official forums and if you wish to follow our project please join the forums or follow our soon to be made ModDB mod page, At the moment the project has just started so we are still looking for members including:

Web Designer
and more...

If you think you qualify for any of that stuff then please either PM me on here or visit the current forums which may be changed at a later date due to that fact that the provider only lets me edit the site rather basically.

Anyway if you can help out or just want to support us as a fan join the forums and start posting :D.