Academic librarian and system administrator. Into street-tech, infosec, gaming, reading, cooking, electro/industrial/harsh ebm beats.

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Roguelike addiction

libtekhed Blog

I've really been getting into roguelike's again. I used to play them A LOT years ago but I've got the bug again. I've been testing a whole bunch out and I have to say I love unnethack and ToME but the very best (well for me is Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. If you have never played a roguelike before do the tutorials in this game. They are fun (and hard! I died even in the tutorials!) and give you a solid grounding in how to thrive and survive in not just Dungeon Crawl but most other roguelikes as well (they mostly have the same or similar commands). I'm currently running a high elf crusader. I just hit level 3 and I'm alive. I would call that a good night so far.

I'm still playing Civ 5. Some of the addiction has worn off but it's still an outstanding game with HUGE replay value. For easter I would like a new update for Towns....

Civ 5 addiction

libtekhed Blog

Playing a number of indie games right now; 3079, Conquest of Elysium 3 and Minecraft primarily. However, the last week I purchased Civilization V on Steam for 75% off and that’s pretty much ALL I have done in my spare time. It’s really quite an amazing game, with extremely well-balanced gameplay. It will be a while until I grow bored of it I think, particularly with the number of mods available out there. It’s a pity Desura didn’t have it for sale because I like to support them a bit more than Steam.