Developer games programming & desing. Experience programming languages: [1991] - DOS - Basic [1998] - QBaisc - C - C++ - Borland C++ - Visual Basic - Visual C++ [2003] - Visual Basic.Net - Visual C++.Net - Java Applet [2005] - C# - Java NetBean - Oracl SQL - MS SQL BD [2011] - web developer C# - phpMyAdmin - MySQL DB - PHP - ASP.Net and ajax controller [2012] - MS SilverLight 3,4,5 Experience skill artical & desing: [1998] - 3d Max - Photoshop [2000] - DirectX 7 [2003] - DirectX 8 [2008] - DirectX 9 [2010] - DirectX 10 & 11 - GPU Developing [2013] - DirectX 11.1 win8 - GPU Developing Issues Games: [2001] - 2D Spacy Vanders [2002] - 2D UFO Grendizer Vol.1 [2003] - 2D UFO Grendizer Vol.2 [2011] - TravianX MMO web game [2013] - SL Travian Legend MMO silver light web game

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Artwork Armada

Artwork Armada

39 members Arts & Literature

im just here i help those in need of amazing artwork u can post anything that doesn't exceed the rules ...dont forget to visit "VGAR" proud sponser of...



1 member Developer & Publisher

A private company interesting on games developing and design also can develop other application other than games

aqworlds fan club

aqworlds fan club

6 members Hobbies & Interests

this is the new version andy got rid of the other version and i made the old one so this is my new one for aqworlds fans only