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STALKER Complete 2009

Mod review

Right off the bat, let me make something clear: I don't recommend Complete 2009 if you an experience similar to the base game. It makes a lot of changes, some for better and some for worse, that drastically enhance the experience. If this is a mod that I cannot recommend to die hard fans in good faith, then, who is it for?

STALKER Complete 2009 is a great introduction to the series. If you've been meaning to get around to playing Shadow of Chernobyl and get past the iffy first impressions the game leaves you with, then this is the mod for you. It makes the experience of playing STALKER more accessible without streamlining any of its many systems and mechanics. Playing this on hard mode is a damn near requirement as the easier difficulty settings will see you blasting through enemies and locales like John Mcclaine if he was a racecar, but once you get a game running on those harder difficulties, it's hard to go back.

If we're not talking about gameplay, then something else Complete 2009 does well is add visual enchancements. They're subtle, but they're not unnoticable. They make the world of STALKER feel more immersive, even if the constant stream of deaths of quick-saving won't.

For those who try to dissaude non-hardcore-gamers from getting into their craft, I think the mere existence of a mod like Complete 2009 is a fair enough rebuttal. Make no mistake, even with a mod that eases the pains of vanilla STALKER like this, it's still a fairly niche experience that I can't recommend to everyone. But, it's easier to get into and keeps the annoying, gatekeeping PC gamers at bay.


GoldenEye: Source

Mod review

Wow is the only word I find appropriate when talking about such a marvel as GoldenEye: Source. I've known about this game for a while, but, never really understood where to get it until a few days ago, and let me tell you, whenever I play this game, it's a good time.

It's surprising to say that this a much better remake of GoldenEye than the Wii one was. Yes, it's multiplayer focused, but, it has the same fast paced "*&^! REALISM!" feel of the original without the clunky, bizarre, and yet somehow intuitive control scheme of the original N64 version.

Right off the bat, I knew that I would have a good time when I saw the beautifully, partially remade intro. So, hows the game play then? Great. The weapons are mostly balanced so I never find myself insta-killing people when the admin decides to switch the weapon set to rockets. The guns also don't feel like things that exist, and, it feels great to fire them. The community, or, what I have seen of it so-far, is also quite kind, and on all 3 online games I've played so far, I've never encountered a camper, or, for someone who distances themselves of Call Of Duty and/or it's community (in which case, I don't blame you), someone who stays in the same spot, claiming it's a "skillful tactic" (which is total bull&^!@, because, in reality, it's only 2% skill, and 98% luck).

Now, for 2 flaws I found baked inside this mod. The first flaw I have is simple, but really, really annoying. In an attempt to make the game feel more like the game it's carefully remaking aspects of, the only way to can see something that tells you where you're shooting is if you hold down the shift button. Now, it can be rebinded, but, regardless, holding down the aim mode button in an attempt to be more accurate makes you slower, which is bad if you're, say, being chased by someone with something like a golden gun.

However, that's just a tiny little nitpick. No, my real issue with this mod is simple, and quite predictable, but, still sad to talk about... not much people REALLY play this game. I'm not talking about the age-old problem of getting a cool online game for something like 3 bucks, only to take one look in the server finder, only to see all the lobbies have like, 0/10 people. No, you can't even find THOSE servers. I was lucky to find at least 3 servers to have loads of fun on, because, there aren't really much other servers. But, don't worry, if you crave GE:S, but nobodies playing, you can always play with bots... which, even I haven't been able to properly set up yet.

There's also controller support, if you're one of those people that think that people who call you things like "!@$#^&)*" are really just stupid because they only share their narcissistic tastes, good on you... I've yet to try it to see if it actually works, but, good on you!

Overall, GoldenEye: Source is an excellent recreation of the original multiplayer mode of the N64 classic, which is now sadly dated. However, not many people play online (as to be expected), and the whole crosshair thing can be quite annoying.




Game review

I feel kind of mixed here.
I love games of this kind, but when all you do is play them and feel as if you're doing basically nothing (see SystemZ), then it's not the greatest experience on the planet.

In TubeStar, you make a youtube channel, and upload videos with thumbnails. This thumbnails thing WOULD be cool, but for me, it's flawed. Instead of a more 'pretend' environment, the dev's go batsh*t insane and end up putting thumbnails for real YouTube videos. Why does this stink like a rotten diaper on new years day? Because it means you'll make a video, just to have a thumbnail that in NO WAY represents the pretend video YOU made. But that's NOT ALL, as there's a comments system, and checking on the comments gives you the REAL VIDEO the thumbnail was based off of, which is PLAYABLE, and has REAL COMMENTS... from the REAL video. WHAT IS THIS? A YOUTUBER VIDEO PLAYER THINGY?

Personal preference aside, this game is REALLY easy (or... at least it was for me!). Maybe it's not as pointless as a few missteps in this genre I've played, but it's also pretty freaking easy, and not having ANY competitor of ANY kind removes any possible challenge. But other then that, the game can be pretty damn fun, but in a game dev tycoon way ... only, without the critics. There IS a mods folder, but I'm not sure there are any mods for this game, at least at this moment.
I hate to sound like a complete Ahole to some people, but I'm not PANNING this game! I actually like the fun bits, and sometimes, I feel engaged.


Project Zomboid

Early access game review

Project Zomboid is an excellent zombie survival game, and from a indie dev!
The gameplay is fun and the survival elements are sweet as well. The controls are a bit of a hassle, though. On top of that, zombie skins get repeated more often than not, but that shouldn't effect the score too much as these are indies, and it's kinda to be expected.


Five Nights at Freddy's 3

Game review may contain spoilers

The game is interesting, and the concept of having JUST ONE bot following you seems interesting. Sadly, the game tries it's best to do multiple endings, but what follows are just slightly modified pictures, and in order to get the good ending you have to play mini-games in a certain order. There's an good alternate ending if you play on a harder difficulty, but still, it's not too great.