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My old Half-Life 1 mod

Kriegmorder Blog

So I was rummaging through some old hard drive files the other day. Basically I used to only have one drive and when the OS would fail I would buy larger new drive, slave the old one to that, then slowly transfer my files over. The problem with doing that is eventually after so many failures you wind up with multiple folders labeled things like "old 500" and "350 crash" (The number denoted the drives size in GB). Those folders in turn become rabbit holes of rabbit holes where every sub folder is a maze.

Anyway as I started saying, as I digging through these files for no reason other than boredom I found multiple folders in several directories labeled "HLFR". Huh, son of a B, I still have this buried in here, eh? HLFR was a mod I started working on on several occasions YEARS ago - we're talking my middle school days in the early 2000's. I would make some maps piece it together on my potato desktop, wait overnight for a compile just to be informed in the morning that there's a leak and your map is effed - good luck playing at full brightness on something that's supposed to be dark on purpose. I would also get sidetracked with a thing called "prefabs" - You guys from the glory days of modding HL1 will know what that means. Hours and hours of sifting through pages of these things trying to find some cool thing to use in a map or getting a really cool thing and trying to make the map work around it. Ahhhh, nostalgia.........

I've got some time lately and began to entertain the idea of finally putting the whole thing together. I transferred some of the good files to my old potato laptop (yes I have lots of potatoes - call me Samwise). Managed to get part of the thing to work with STEAM.

Example: Here's a screenshot for, of all things, my revamping of the Hazard Course. This was and still is the beginning of the second map of that "episode" if you could call the HC that.

hlfr hev 02 1

Stay tuned in the coming weeks as I continue to dig through the old files and scrounge up the tiny pieces.

-Krieg (formerly AndyG)

a.k.a -+JC3NJ+- Coconut Monkey