we are Kinetic Gears Studios : we make sci fi computer games and war games as well as small indie games like live to survive (online game ) .

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the webpage + online game play

kineticgearsstudios Blog

The kinetic gears studios servers are maid up of dell equipment and IBM blade servers but the heart of the system is two PS3 gaming systems that run the kinetic gears studios Linux OS (uthora) the servers can produce 10.000 virtual environments per second for online game play for every person playing the games.
but this is harder to do if it a multiplayer game this is because the system has more input + output so the strain is higher ....

The webpage for kinetic gears studios is now getting finished ,this is because the game will be published on here ( yes on indiedb.com ) soon for you all to play for more info go to the webpage Kineticgearsstudios.webs.com

The new game is coming soon

kineticgearsstudios Blog

Here at kinetic gears studio's we have worked hard on building the new game ( live to survive)
and we just wanted to tell you a bought the game and the idea behind this online FP game
( F.P first person ) now the game is first person but it not a shooter it a survival game where you must
clime the environment to reach the next level ( story mode is online VA THE kinetic menu )
we have put some off-line levels in for you to mess a bought on also .

but if you think a bought it there are loads of First person games out there ( war games )
and we decided that a arcade like game with a environment that the player can clime was good .

the story is a bought a plain crash in the mountains and your job is to rescue the pilot from the crash,
it a cold snowing game with lots of brain teasers like a bridge over a big drop the bridge is broken so you need to think of a way to get over , things like this and that make the player think .