I am a very self-motivated, well organised and punctual person. Along with these skills, my teaching experience has enhanced my communication and team work abilities. My time management and organisational skills have been exemplary throughout University, not missing a single deadline. These I feel are the key foundations to a good employee but I think when working for such a well-established company such as Rock Star. Striving for the best in your games should reflect within the pride and skills of your employees, something which I am extremely passionate and keen to be a part of. Studying Games Design at University has allowed me to discover my drive and enthusiasm for Games Art. Alongside this my time on a team project module gave me an insight into a games production pipeline. My key role included creating supporting assets as well as the main character model for our teams’ Game Republic entry.

RSS Reviews

Dragon Age II

Game review

Absolutely amazing game, carrying on from Dragon Age Origins completely different game but the same game at the same time. Brilliant sequel.