My name is John Pinto born in Southern California. I have been working on Game Maker for the past 17 years fresh out of High School. My other hobbies are art, music, and making comic books. Game Maker is a blessing, it's so easy and manageable I have yet to find a suitable replacement. We at Red Moon Studio specialize in retro video games, and strive to make excellent quality, memorable titles in an environment full of negativity and surprisingly good games. We don't compete, we are our own.

RSS Reviews

Cave Story+

Game review

I must say it's like a "sweet times" on your PC, everything from the sound effects the music, graphics stroyline, characters...I love this game. Sure it is difficult but what isn't. I look up to the guy who made this game. Play it you won't be able to deny it's just that good. Lot's of quality work was put into making this game.


Treasure Raid

Game review