I'm a game designer in the making. I love playing games, and I hope in the future people will buy my games

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What I've Been Doing Lately

JoeStorm Blog

Well, I haven't been on here in a long time. So, let me catch you up on a few things.

I've been getting my hands back dirty learning some game engines. I've been learning a little bit of Microsoft's XNA by making some stuff happen. I was planning to learn how to create a 2D game, but then my 3D game engine crept back into me. I have given that and UDK a much longer break, because stuff with my school(Probably because of my laziness, but I try not to admit that :p). But, I felt like getting back to it.

I felt like I was rushing and not going about it the right way. I had all these ideas in my mind, but instead of working on stuff little, I decided to think like a noob. You know the type “I'm going to create the next Grand Theft Auto/Call of Duty. I don't need a team of 100 to complete I can do it ALL BY MYSELF! So take that!” That's not the right way in wanting to learn/create games. As matter of fact, a lot of professional game developers stress that that's not a way to learn game development. Because there's a fast way, and the correct way in doing things; and I was trying to go the fastest route to a game studio(Or hopefully creating my own studio ;)). Now, I'm going to go the right way.

My decision to dive back into game engines brings up more questions. I have UDK still installed on my computer so I can easily go back into it. But, one of the reasons that made me slow done on creating stuff, is the difficulty in UDK. I made ANOTHER noob mistake in picking out UDK. Now, let me tell you something. I am not in ANY WAY trying to say how UDK is a bad product, or it's a terrible game engine. It's not. Probably one of the best game engines that's out there. The noob mistake I've made, was not searching out other engines. I was going through a “I'm scared of programming” phase of my life(I don't know if that made a lick of sense, but let me explain).

Currently, I'm enjoying programming, but at that time, their were some stuff that I did not know and it kind of scared me into learning. So, I said to my self “Maybe, I'm not the program person. I probably would do art.” MIND YOU, the only “art” I can draw, is stick figures(By the way, I'm a MEAN stick figure drawer! :D). But, seeing that I was letting my fear get the best of me, I decided to give in to art. I was searching through game engines I came into Unity(This is funny, just keep reading and you will see why) but found out that programming is the main thing. RED SIGN ALERT, I stop reading their. I believed I dabbled in Game Maker too, but I wanted to go fast fast fast, and not LEARN LEARN LEARN. See these mistakes? I quickly deleted that off my computer. Then I came to UDK. And WOW was I impressed! It looked GREAT! I learned that I could use Kismet instead of programming, so I dived into it without thinking.

I learned some of it's features doing tutorials and various things. I even made a “game” out of it that you can see in my IndieDB page. Well, it was good, but I had to do a lot of hassling to get it done. And I didn't “dare” learn to program, because you had to full with a lot of stuff to get it to work. And importing assets was tricky too. But, I did it. Then, I eventually “quit”.

One of reasons I quit, was because theirs sooooo much features in UDK, that it was too much for me to take. Yes, I could of learned it, but remember I was running away from something.

To keep a long story short, I decided to get back into programming. I know some C++, but I'm now learning C#. I developed a tic-tac-toe game and a word guessing game. I know the basic structure of that language, so if I see someone's code I slightly know what's happening. So, by that, I downloaded XNA to do 2D work. I am developing a ping pong game which is fairly good. But, while I was typing the code, I was seriously loving it. I had some problems to figure out, but I was digging it. Which brings this whole loooooong post to meaning. KEEP READING LOL.

Which brings me BACK to game engines. Now, instead of going to be artist that I am not, I decided to go the programming route. Which in games means scripting. Like I've stated earlier, I still have UDK on my computer. One thing that I do not like is Unreal Script. Not that it's a bad language, but I just don't like it. You have to full with so much stuff BEFORE you can even program(Well, you can do it after). That, and there's really limited documents for scripting. With UDK coming out nearly every month, things change. The same script that you work on in the last month, may not be capable for the next installment. But, to find info on learning to script in it was a work in it self.

So, that brings me back into the game engine search. Fate has a funny way in doing things. I've searched some game engines and I came back to the one when I was having a phase.....Unity. Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. I downloaded it, and I have to say, it is more userfriendly. With Unity, I have three choices: C#, Javascript and Boo. Hmmmmmm C# :D. That right there, made picking it the most easy thing to do. Unity features doesn't “bog” me down in learning. I can create a script and it will go into Unity without me having to create folders here and there; deleting files and starting and restarting the application. I'm already learned the basics of C#, which will make it easy for me to learn the scripting behavior of it. Right now, I'm reading through a book. And for the first time, instead of rushing through it. I'm taking my time. And after each chapter, I'm creating new projects and using what I learned in that chapter and before it, I'm putting it in there. I'm hoping, to get enough knowledge that I can be the programmer of a group. But, I'm FAR from that(Unless, there's a group that want me to create a moving script? :D). I want to do a little game out of it to show you all my progress on it.

That's what I've been up to lately. I won't be blogging as much, but I may turn this blog into my “development blog” or create a new blog. I'm not sure yet. I want to show you all my progress as a scriptor in Unity. I still will talk about games every now and then, but it won't be like the other times. I'm more focus on the developing of games part of my life!

Game Debate: XBL vs PSN

JoeStorm Blog

Hold your horses, this is not meant to be a direct attack to anyone. I'm strictly a off line person, and I really don't care for it anyways(As you all well know if you keep up with my blog posts). I was just sitting here thinking on which service is the best.

I have both XBL and PSN. I've played with PSN because of the best price tag it has with gaming.....Free. Don't call me no cheap skate either lol. There is occassions where I pay for 3 months of XBL, but I have only one game that I play on there which is Call of Duty MW3(A game of which I'm getting bored in). And honestly, the only reason I have XBL is because of a friend who wants to play me in MW3.

Now, both do have good features. And both also have pro's and cons. Most primary use there accounts just for Netflics purposes(Will that be a case anytime soon?). I only use it to play MP or to download demos. Seeing that I don't have a Netflics account I don't watch movies; And I've been thinking of actually buying PS+. Ironic, to say the least.

I mean, the main reason I use PSN is because it's free and more practical. I don't feel the need of paying $70.00 a year JUST for MP. I'll stick to my silver account, thank you. I just want to know what are you guys/ladies opinion of which one is the best and why do you consider it to be the best.

Next Generation Game Rumor's

JoeStorm Blog

Ha, ok, laugh at the pictures all you want; but don't be surprised when it turn out to be like that. If your a gamer, you may speculate about when the next-gen will come into play. We already know when Wii U will be out, but PS4 and Xbox 720(Or what ever number) is still thrown in the air. What I hear less about, is the rumor's about the next generation. Recently, a rumor came out dealing with the PS4 and Xbox consoles. From what I've read, I see some controversial material that may/may not make it's way into our living rooms. And of course, the gaming community will quickly hash out about it.

One of the rumor's that came out was that there will be no backward compatibility. Now, I want to clearly state that these are just rumors; It's not yet confirmed that it is real, but let's speculate as if it is. Supposedly, both systems are not backward compatibility. To me, I have the 360 and PS3 so it will not effect me that much. But, I know a lot of people that may trade away their 360/PS3 so they may want to play their old games on the new ones. Some may not feel that this is a problem, but a lot will. What if your old system have a problem and you REALLY want to play it? Guess what? Too bad. Now, with the 360, that wasn't a big deal. You were able to play majority of the first xbox games. But, PS3, this was a problem. If you were lucky to get the fat PS3(The very first models), you were able to play both ps2 and ps1 games. But, if you were a person like me and got the slim version, we are only allowed to play ps1 games. It did give me a headache, but I eventually got over it. We won't have that option with the PS4. We won't play it, unless they have it on PSN(Go figure). Now, if I'm lucky, my ps3 will still be in good shape so I won't pound on the ground yet. I do have a library of games(Which is expanding) and I love to play it over and over again. My only hope is that my game systems don't go out on me(Darn you Red Rings of Death!!!!!).

Another rumor, and probably the one that got to me the most, is the used game issue. Recently, they stuck the online pass issue with all games(Sony, did). This online pass meant if you buy a used game, you have to pay ten dollars to play online. That was a bit shocker, but developers are going out there way to get there money(Or, what they “think” they deserve). Don't even bring up on how much money they make from the first sale of the game. I thought “Alright, the developers are wanting some money back, ok. I don't care for online anyways. I think there are better ways, but whatever.” In the back of my mind, I was worried. Just like everyone else were thinking, this may lead up to something much worse than an online pass. Well, here it is! According to the rumor, Microsoft and Sony will implement a system where you can't play used games. Get what I just said? Read it again. Actually, you'll be able to play it....Just for a trial. Some parts will be blacked out. You will have to pay for the full features....Really? The used game business will take a MAJOR hit from this if this goes down. Gamestop, will have to find other ways to make money. And think if you want to sell it yourself? Yeah, you get the money; but, essentially you will be screwing the buyer because they did not get what they initially payed for. Which brings me to another point.

What if you want to borrow a friend/family game. PS4 and Xbox 720(?) don't know that you “borrowed” the game. It will treat it like a used game, and you will have to pay for the full game. Basically, your getting a demo. Now, I rarely buy used games. But, the borrowing thing is what I do with friends and family. That will become useless because neither me or others will be able to try out a game. I really hope that this rumor don't fall through. I know that developers work hard for their money; I know they don't like pirating of their games. This is just taking it too far. They are not thinking things through. Maybe, they should lower prices of their games or make them better in quality.

Now, this is something that was not discuss in the rumor mill. This is something that I am worrying about myself....The price. I understand with technology comes with higher prices, BUUUTTTT, we don't want another fiasco like last time. Xbox 360 was 400 dollars. That was reasonable. Then PS3 comes out, and it was priced $600 :O. I believed that drove people to 360 and Wii. I was one of those people. As matter of fact, I didn't even buy the 360 because I was waiting for the PS3. Then it came out, and I saw the price, I said “I might as well by the 360 then.” I turned to like it but still. How high will the prices be for Next-Gen? I hope not crazy. For Sony sake, it better not be higher than xbox.

I hope that we still see some PSN and XBL. Xbox live already raised there price, but will PSN follow suite and have all there online service paid for? We have PS+ which is good. It doesn't intrude on me playing online games. That's one advantage that PSN has over XBL. That should stay the same. We all know that Microsoft won't change their ways with XBL, so, there's no need to even discuss XBL.

With all this rumor talk going around, there's been talk about if anyone would buy the next console. On www.gamefaqs.com poll, they ask how many will feel about the no used games for PS3, and majority of the people says that it is a deal breaker for them. Now, Sony/MS may not view this poll; But the results are kind of scary. I would wait for a year or two to purchase the console. See what is happening. The “No used game” is a little disheartening. Just because consoles don't know the definition of used. We can borrow games and the consoles will treat it as used. PSN accounts maybe allow someone to use it on another console, but that wasn't discussed. Right now, I think one of there PR reps should come out and talk about the rumor's. Get us comfortable into buying Next-Gen...That, or a lot of people will be skipping a generation.

Warhammer 4000: Space Marine Trailer Review

JoeStorm Blog


Have you ever ask yourself “What would it be like, if Gears of War mated with Halo?” Well, if you ever did, you will find that their off spring is Warhammer 40000: Space Marine. This galactic feel of a game, looks like something you will rarely get in gaming today. The developer of the game is Relic and THQ is publishing the game. Today, I will give you my thoughts on what I seen in the trailer of this game.


Off the bat, we see the Space Marines jump off the plane and enter combat. From the looks of it, the gameplay has a cartoonish feel to it. But, not to much. It has a grit feel to it that will break away from the “Cartoonish” feel from what I initially thought. Of course, the main weapon you see throughout the trailer is the hammer. Surprisingly, these dudes who are wearing what looks like a gigantic size armor, are able to swing the hammer like it weighs 10 pounds(Just like Gears ;)). They also have other types of weapons too. In the trailer, I seen a machine gun that was rattling the enemies side. If you don't like the hammer, you can easily get weapons of your choice. But, wouldn't it be cool to just wack people across the head? Or is that just me?

Graphics/Level Design

The real “juice” of the game, is the graphics and the level design. First, the graphics look good at times, then it look bad. The great, is how the armor look. It was WELL detailed from the helmet to the boots. The scenery is good too. The only issue I have, was the gore. The gore was something you see out of a cartoon show or a Spartcus show. It took me out of the action just because it was way too unrealistic. But, that may just be what it is. To me, it look like I'm reading a comic book. Now, to the design of the game, it looks good. From what I seen, I think the level design and environment artist did a splendid job. I haven't played the game yet, but from what I saw I think it's good.


In conclusion, I think this game will go far. I didn't play the first in the series, but now that I have seen the trailer and read on it I can see why it has gotten the praise that it has received. From a gamers stand point: Great for opening new genres in the TPS environment. From a design point: It looks good, some side of the graphics could have been better, but overall it's good. This game is for the PS3, Xbox 360 and Windows Platform.

Video Game Commentary

JoeStorm Blog

Ahhh the knowledge that your bad multiplayer match can be put on youtube at anytime. Isn't that wonderful? Yes and no. Yes, if your the one who is a commentator, and no if your the one who just got pwned (Yeah, I said it). Anyways, I want to have a little chat about game commentaries. I enjoy watching them. They do bring some longevity to games to hear other people have a live/recorded session on the online game.

The one game I like to hear commentary on, is Call of Duty: Black Ops. I listen to a user called ChrisSmoove. That dude is FUNNY. He makes a boring situation into funny. I also listen to a user named Ozer. He's cool too. He has a lot of learning base video for Black Ops that I find helpful. I also listen to some Battlefied, Red Dead Redemption commentaries too. I also do some live commentaries too. You can visit my channel to see videos of Killzone 3 MP videos.

I want to know if you all share the same view as I do. Do you think commentary in a live or recorded section helps a game? For instance, if I'm bored I will go on youtube and just find MP video's. If the commentary is good, I will stick with the user. My only fear is being put on the losing side of a team. I don't want to go viral over getting crushed! Silly, I know. But do you want to get posterized? Yeah, I went basketball on ya.

What I want to know, is your view on commentaries. Do you enjoy them? Or do you find it annoying? Leave a comment below.

My Anticipation Games on my Wish List

JoeStorm Blog

And the anticipation grows…and grows…and grows. My primary list of games that I want to get for 2011….Yeah, this list may grow as time goes on, but for right now, it will stay like it is. Well here is my list…

  • Gears of War 3 -Well, that may not be a shock to some. This game is my most ANTICIPATED game of this year. I really can’t wait till this game hit the big screen. It’s going to be a blast! And you all know, that they will have another Gears of War game after this. Just look at Halo….
  • Saints Row the Third -Yep, the third in the trilogy. I enjoyed the first one, and definitely enjoyed the second. From what I’ve seen, it’s been buffed up. The games were already crazy. Can’t imagine how crazy it could get. Just have to see.
  • Battlefield 3 -I have to admit. This is the very first time that I wanted this game. I know, I’m bad. But, I want it now. I was mega impressed with the trailer(Which you can read my review here). The action seemed so real. I also watch some multiplayer footage of other BF and if they go the same route, I know I will be hooked in.
  • Modern Warfare 3 -That’s right folks, ANOTHER Call of Duty game. Well, I’m a FPS junkie. I would love for them to make a game every year. I just hope that this storyline is better then the other MW. Black Ops has been the only CoD game I played that had a decent storyline. Either way it goes, I know that I will be having fun! :)

Yep, that’s my wish-list for this year. I’m planning to get all of them. But, the last three is going to be tricky. They come out in the same month! And here I thought only movies does that. Oh well, this means that November will be Epic! Actually, September is….Geesh, you know what I mean!! What is your wish-list for this year? Comment below