Hello, welcome to my profile, i publish brutal doom v21 addons because it's the newer stable version, and i personally prefer v21, it has more mods, ok, ummmmm, if you want me to make mods contact me on discord or send friend request, that's all, thanks for reading.

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Brutal DooM: The M*TH*RF*CK*R Add-On

JoaProYUTUxd Blog

Ok, This addon name is temporary, obviously I'm not going to leave that thing.

BRUTAL DOOM: M*T- oh wait i wont repeat that again

what things does bring this addon?

New Weapons: like the cyberdemon's missile launcher, a lot of shotguns, a lot of rifles, basically a lot of new weapons to make the demons fuck off.

New Assholes to make them fuck off: a lot of cyberdemons variations, and i will not say they names, that's gonna take at least 500 letters, new zombies, new bald boys, the fucking marauder can spawn if you have the needed bad luck for that... golden-cyber-shit XD

New Functions to kick ass: double jump, every brutal doom mod should have that, ledge grab, i hate when i can't reach a place and even the fucking double jump can help me enough, ledge climb is a little bug, it casually shows a random weapon texture, but it generally is the Deagle, or the Excavator, anyways, i'm not talking about these weapon bugs, DASH, it haves his own keybind, so you can configure it to dash with the key you want.

Is it finished?

Obviouslly, NO, i will search for more shit to add to my addon until it can't contain more fucking things.

Thank you for reading this.

i'll upload some images later, friend me and ask for my discord server to play my addon, please don't publish it anywhere,