Hey! My name is J. and I like video games! I'm into first person shooters or first person horror survival games and am on a real Indie kick lately. I'm a voice actress but games and gaming are one of my biggest hobbies when I'm not doing audio stuff. I'll be sure to let you know if your audio or voice over rocks or sucks ;)

RSS Reviews


Game review

For full review: Indiedb.com

short, alarming, annoying, calming, and abusive. Must be used with headphones. The voice over of the narrator is horrible and too quiet.

It's how I'd imagine the chaotic dreams of someone who'd just been kidnapped and got a bit of shut-eye between interrogations.

I'm not sure whether to recommend gamers play this sober or not. It may actually scare the living day-lights out of someone inebriated.

On the other hand, it was off the wall, creative, a bit funny, and very modern. I'll probably play the next few versions as well as put some friends in the "chair" and watch them deal with it. :)

~J. Kline



Game review


Game review

For the full review:


At first glance it's simple, pretty, easy to find what needs to be found, but it's a bit confusing. I'm being chased but there's also a clicking sound (I'm on a Mac) and I'm not sure if it means I'm also on a timer or if it's part of the audio not working.

The game was fun! It had a Slender feel, definitely, as a teddy bear "you" weaponized hunts you down. But you took pills and have just woken up so it's got an Amnesia feel to it as well. Unfortunately the bear doesn't have a sound for when it's closer and closer to you so I honestly thought at first that it would just innocently follow me around.

But after a few goes it's clear that this game is all about never backtracking and pushing the player to keep moving!

My character was able to run (as long as he wanted) which was great. However if I ran for too long my guy got motion sick, even when I stopped running. And it took longer and longer for him to get over that till the screen returned to normal. This might be a good thing in that it MADE me slow down of my own accord. I was aching to run the whole time but learned that I needed to save it for emergencies.

The fact that this was wonderfully written really hits you in the third level IF you survive ;) The plot is twisted and adult. Darkly humorous.

I've got high hopes for the developer's future.