Hey! My name is Jesper and im from Sweden, On Skype you can find me by searching for qwejesper and on steam "SwedishDude" I have some groups of my own my primary group atm is WoF Wanderers on Fire You can find it by searching WoF or Wanderers on Fire on Steam or you can search for my steam name SwedishDude and then check which groups im in and press join becuase its public. If you want steam you can go to thier homesite Steampowered.com We play mostly Battle for Middle Earth II and RotWK on it and some mods like RJ-RotWK

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Hey! My name is Jesper and im from Sweden, On Skype you can find me by searching for qwejesper and on steam "SwedishDude" I have some groups of my own my primary group atm is WoF Wanderers on FireYou can find it by searching WoF or Wanderers on Fire on Steam or you can search for my steam name SwedishDude and then check which groups im in and press join becuase its public.If you want steam you can go to thier homesite Steampowered.comWe play mostly Battle for Middle Earth II and RotWK on it and some mods like RJ-RotWK