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Don’t get angry, it's just a game

Indieconstruction Blog

Did you like Puzz-Me?

I must confess that these days I'm quite amused to see my friends playing Puzz-Me. I realized that maybe I have a little underestimated first tables (those that it’s possible playing without experience points, for instance): during the weeks of testing I have become a sort of champion and I can finish the most difficult level within time’s limit. Looking at the other, however, I understood that it is not easy to put together 30 pieces in less than four minutes (at the easiest level). Almost none of my friends did it at the first time... and became also quite nervous! So don’t be discouraged (and don’t get angry!), it takes a few games to have glance and start to finish puzzle increasingly complex.

All this, of course, relates to Android because at the moment Puzz-Me is only on Google Play. As I wrote in the new Games page of the site (by the way, didi you see it?) iOs version is in progress and this night I saw it working for the first time. I’m still far from the publication but I think a couple of weeks are more than sufficient. I just realized that life with Apple is a bit more complicated (and expensive!) compared to Android. But probably this is the price of future simplicity: with few models is much easier to create a well-functioning game. I hope to see Puzz-Me on App Store as soon as possible!

PS - If you are a
IndieConstruct's follower on Twitter don't be fooled by the tweets of these and the next days: it's not me to share the results of the games, it's my girlfriend. As you can see she ends up barely the first puzzle